If you can't find deer, then fish


Registered User
This year's deer hunt did not go great- only 2 does seen in my region while hunting (although I could have taken 3 different bucks while hunting with my son in his region!).

We did get some fishing in at Flaming Gorge again, however that went pretty darn well!

Our Tuesday evening last week was mid-30s and steady rain....not best weather for fishing, but what the heck- it kept others away and we had the lake to ourselves.

My dad started the catching, with a number of nice 'pups'.


With about a minute left of legal fishing time, I hooked this nice 25 pounder:


Wednesday morning was breezy, but the rain had turned to snow which made for better conditions overall.

My brother got things going for us that day:


But I got to wrap things up, with probably my best catch yet out of the Gorge- should have tipped the scales at about 30 pounds.
