Illegal to text on your cell phone while driving....


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
I've been known to text and drive...or more accurately I will read a text while driving but I don't typically respond. Either way it is definately a distraction.

But, I would MUCH rather they more strictly enforce and punish people that throw their ****ing cigarette butts out the window. It absolutely disghusts me. Next time you're in a left hand turn lane next to a raised island, look at all of the cigarettes laying there against the island. Lets not even get into the distraction of fiddling around for your smokes, lighting them, then smoking them while driving.

It shouldn't matter what is causing the behavior...fact it that it is illegal to swerve or not pay attention. Regardless if it's texting, emailing, doing your makeup, eating your Big Mac, smoking, smacking your snot-nosed poop machines, or communicating with the hooker that is....never mind. Point is, you don't have to make the cause of an infraction illegal, if the infraction itself is illegal.

It's because the politicians want you to smoke :spork: with the cost of taxes more than the price of the Tabacco they count on the smokers to pay the bills.


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and what about the added cost in health care for smokers? I would bet dollars to doughnuts that healthcare expenditures for smoking related health issues outweigh the tax revenue on smokes.

Well, hmm maybe not I guess. I guess you have to take into account that trashy death sticks are like 6-8 bucks a pack in some smart states. Tax smokes heavily, and put that moeny back into the schools. Schools make people smart, and people make more money and can afford an assistant to drive for them while they text message.

see how I just tied that back in there? boo-ya.