I'm going to be a dad!

I have been meaning to call the last few months to see what was new. Guess we would have had something to talk about!

Parenthood is the greatest thing ever! Very excited for you guys.
We have 3 kids, twin girls and a boy. Both by emergency C-section. Second time nearly resulting in death. Needless to say, I refuse to have any more.
The whole pregnancy and birth part sucks IMO, but once the kids are about 1 yr old it starts to get fun.
Saying your life is going to change is an understatement. Congrats and enjoy. Get some sleep while you can.
Assume busy day at the hospital today. Keep us posted.

We never had to worry about c-sections. All three popped out natural and fast (our third came, according to hospital records, 4 minutes after our arrival.)

Gringos is shut down, but once your life settles enough shoot me a text and good for lunch somewhere.
Word on the street is that baby is already here.. but I'll leave any details up to the man himself.
The kid is home!
He came Saturday at 7pm
Mom and Baby are healthy and happy!
