in an effort to improve myself


mtn yot
Tooele, UT
So over the past year or so i have found myself slipping and tutning into someone i am not. This is not what i want and not what i want my kids to think i am. So there are a few things i am trying. (After online research) first is TRY to appologize to those you have wronged. so if i have ever wronged you intentionall or unintentionally i am sorry. For those that i have knowingly wronged i will be trying to contact them to apologize in person. Second i find a quote everyday that will keep me on track, so today oddly enough i heard frm a guy at work this morning. "Dont worry over the things out of your control, dont try to control an uncontrollable situation"

I would like to invite anyone who would like to join in to put down a quote. The only thing i ask is.if you do decide to participate please take this serious because i do. all


Boise Idaho
sounds like you are evolving emotionally, or as a person, you are 'conscious' as my mother would say. She is very Jungian.
Your post reminds me of something I read from jack canfield in his book, success principles. he said try to be a class act. we all know who is 'classy', and who is not. now when I say something ignorant or petty, I immediately realize its harder than you think :) haha but good advice.


Formerly black_ZJ
It's called growing up and learning from our mistakes, I know I have been making more of an effort to be patient and understanding as I get older.

Gary T

Registered User
Draper, Utah
I like this. Thanks for having the personal courage to post this. Thinking about doing something and actually doing something are very different. You are setting a good example for others (kids). "Actions Speaks louder than words" Seneca / or anonymous.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
"People need love the most when they deserve it the least"

Best advice I have ever gotten.

I hope everyone remembers this when I am the one who doesn't deserve it.


mtn yot
Tooele, UT
Ut410,You are the partial reason i came to this very sad realization. Upon reading your February free item i found myself jealous that i did not get the rachet. This is one of the things today a year ago i would have never thought. So this with many other things has been my "come to Jesus" moment. (I am not religious, just the saying) in the short time i have had this realization i have found while it is hard to say sorry for what i have done it is much harder to accept that some people are not ready to accept the apology. I struggle with this but i have been pushing to become better and accept that i can only try to get better i can not make people accpet me for the person i am trying to become and not the person i was


Giver of bad advice
Brother, stop by and chat with me sometime when you have time, I have a tale of two Rogers that might help. On the other hand. Some growth is always good and sometimes can be painful. And while I was well on my way to improving myself, I had a serious accident. I came to 4 major conclusions.
1. Its better to feel than not. This can be taken any number of ways.
2. Any day walking the dirt is better than any day sleeping in it.
3. Its not a sign of weakness to ask for help. As guys, this one is much tougher than many of us imagine.
4. Most important, and something everyone will get... Any day you can wipe your own butt, is a good day.

Every day is a gift, and it never hurts to be nice to the next guy. We all miss that. I know I didn't get it for a long time. Good luck on your journey.


Active Member
Tooele, UT
I think that we all need to do a little soul searching, and remember that life is only what we make of it. I also need to make some changes in my life and stop being so pissed off at the world.


Well-Known Member
So then, the relationship of self to other is the complete realization that loving yourself is impossible without loving everything defined as other than yourself.. a watts


Giver of bad advice
I think that we all need to do a little soul searching, and remember that life is only what we make of it. I also need to make some changes in my life and stop being so pissed off at the world.

I frequently joke about my three trips through anger management. The truth is the third one "took" because I wanted it. Yes I still get upset. Its natural. But anger no longer defines me.

Another thing. You have no right to laugh at others if you can't laugh at yourself. Believe me, I'm pretty funny at times.


Totally Awesome
I've found as I get older, its easier to laugh, then get angry.

Although my kids keep testing me. I know with them, I still have a lot to do to be a better father and husband. I need to not freak out so much about the stupid things they do, and don't know they are doing.


Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
I am far from perfect, but more recently I've realized that "I shouldn't wait until I'm sick until I visit the doctor." Proverbially speaking of course. It's certainly harder to identify how we can maintain our mental health than our physical health, but ultimate very rewarding as well.

My more recent mantra has been, "Waiting to change is like waiting for the water to stop in the stream before you cross, if you want change you're going to have to get wet."
And though I've never met you, I applaud your efforts at "getting wet," it takes real effort to change.

This thought has allowed me to relinquish control over situations that I have no power over.

The ONLY thing you really TRULY have control over is your own thoughts and actions.
Let that sink in a bit...

This not only allows us to cast off that which will hold us back, but also demands us that we take personal responsibility and accountability for our thoughts and actions (this is something I struggle with).

I believe part of the reason we are here on earth is to gain self mastery. Specifically over physical, mental and emotional appetites.

I've always found that it's easier to love yourself if you have a reason to. Compassionate service allows you to love those you serve and gives you a reason to love yourself.

I hate doing dishes, but when I do them I feel love for my wife and have a reason to unselfishly like myself.

For me, one of my biggest struggles is to find happiness (and specifically satisfaction) with where I am pointing and what I have already.
Notice I wrote, "where I'm pointing." I believe it's less important where we are, than what direction we are headed.
We can allow ourselves to be happy if we are making positive progress.

My old man lives by this motto and repeats it to his children often (it's really more of a rough thought than a motto because the words sometimes change)

You shouldn't wait to be happy. If you think, "Oh when I get this ____________, I'll be happy, or when I accomplish ___________, I'll be happy.
The purpose of life is to find joy, so find a way to be happy NOW!
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Well-Known Member
Wait until you have a 15 year old son, and he behaves just like you (some good some bad)...... now you can clearly see how badly you have behaved during certain situations... and at that point you know where he got his example, and now how do you tell him that it is wrong....

Those are some tough pills to swallow

alot of appologies coming from me and a comitment to act differently.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
I just finished a class about how to deal with people in difficult situations. They talked about the stories you tell yourself about why someone did something and how it changes how you deal with them. We usually care more about perceived intent than content of what other people say. That was pretty eye opening. Separate facts from opinions and deal with them. That is really helpful in my daily interactions.

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