in an effort to improve myself


mtn yot
Tooele, UT
Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?


Well-Known Member
Wait until you have a 15 year old son, and he behaves just like you (some good some bad)...... now you can clearly see how badly you have behaved during certain situations... and at that point you know where he got his example, and now how do you tell him that it is wrong....

Those are some tough pills to swallow

alot of appologies coming from me and a comitment to act differently.
That's smmethingni am worried about, my kids are 5,3,2, 3 months and I snap way to much at them. I know I do and recognize it but for some reason there is always one little thing that gets me and makes me snap way to fast. I get apt of it from my dad. I am just worried like you say rick, once they get older and act like me or react like me.


mtn yot
Tooele, UT
It is hard to sore like an eagle when you hang out with chickens.

I love this one, it has always made me think about who i hang out with. Another one along the same lines is,

You become who you surrond yourself with


mtn yot
Tooele, UT
If at the end of the day you can look back and know you tried all day the person yoy want to be without sacrificing yourself that is a day well lived


Well-Known Member
My Father has always told all us kids this simple yet profound statement and quote.

"When wishing won't work, WORK."

I praise all who follow Hoosier and move towards improving ones self.

Many great ideas have been shared and I look forward to reading more positive ideas to improve myself.

For an idea to ponder I share this.
Assumptions are the most misunderstood concept for debate.
If someone says I bought this at cost one assumes as cheap as possible.
But the fact to look at is what true cost. Raw material cost, material and labor cost, distribution cost, jobber cost, invoice cost, wholesale cost, sale cost or retail cost.
Each of us think of a different cost off the top of or head first thing and assume that's the cost their friend is talking about.

Hold assumptions and listen for the facts. Facts change everything.
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