Iron County/ Beaver County/ U4WDA Mapping Project


Active Member
This summer, U4WDA is seeking volunteers to help out with a mapping project in coordination with Iron County and Beaver County. Email to get involved.

Volunteer requirements:
1- 4x4
2- Digital camera
3- GPS preferred, but we do have one GPS unit that has been donated to the cause that can be loaned out to volunteers if needed.

You do NOT need to be proficient in the use of your GPS. We do not need tracks recorded or detailed mapping or anything like that. The ability to mark a waypoint is all that is needed. And we can assist you in learning how to do that if necessary.

We have been in contact with both counties and they have identified some high priority areas where they need some data collection with respect to roads. Due to the BLM Cedar City Field Office's land use planning process and due to Secretarial Order 3310, we have approached the counties to see where our user group can be of assistance to them in helping protect our public land access.

We are in the process of identifying some 300+ miles of roads that need our attention. We should be done with the identification process and have most (if not all) of the roads identified by the first week of May.

If you are going to be traveling the backcountry of Iron or Beaver Counties at any time this summer. And if you are willing to drive a few road segments (as many or as few as you have time for). Please contact us for more information.

Email us at for more details.

NOTE: I AM NOT a GIS professional, a map expert, or a GPS software guru. At best, I might be considered an amateur map enthusiast. I have developed my method for mapping and tracking the project. If any of you with more experience or background than me wish to discuss my methods and/or offer advice/assistance. Please contact me at


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
For all of those that have said they would help this is the time to step forward. This activity will make a difference.


Active Member
USA-ALL is partnering with us on this project and is helping solicit volunteers. In the last 3 days U4WDA and USA-ALL have both sent out email blasts about this. Let's make sure that RME is at the top of the list when it comes to volunteer miles. Once people start getting out, I will post mileage statistics for those who are interested.


Active Member
Any word on this?
Yes! We've had quite a few people on the volunteer signup so far, it is very encouraging. I am sending out an email tomorrow with the summary map for the volunteers to start picking through. You're on my email list so you'll be getting one.

Anybody else? Sign up by email at, reference the Beaver/Iron mapping project.