I won't turn on my AC until mid June no matter what..
She likes to deep freeze our house.
or is anyone else Super excited that its allergy season again? :tara:
I get really bad allergies in the spring(usually starting mid-March and running through June), so I am as excited as you are. I personally keep Claritin in business I think. However, I started using a Netti Pot around a month ago to clean the pollen from my sinuses each evening. So far this spring, my allergies have been mild to non-existent. It's not the most glamorous activity, but it seems to have helped my allergies a lot.
It's only so I have more excuses to "snuggle" with you.
I'm just happy that it stopped snowing finally :umm: maybe
She likes to deep freeze our house.
or is anyone else Super excited that its allergy season again? :tara:
I'm just happy that it stopped snowing finally :umm: maybe