Is your refrigerator running???

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Smithfield Utah
I'm so happy :D We (wife and I) just finished the tile floor in my kitchen and compared to the late 70's brown shag carpet it looks amazing! We also found a REALLY nice side by side Frigidaire Gallery stainless steel fridge for pretty cheap that also looks sexy....

So I have the temp up to about 3/4's and although it maintains a great temperature it seems to never shut off :confused: It's been running almost non stop for 4 day's now :confused: Is this normal or should I call the manufacturer? Can’t imagine it’s too good on the power bill…. :rolleyes:


Poker of the Hornets Nest
that is not correct.. call the manufacturer.. it should have shut off within the first 12 hours.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Smithfield Utah
Is it diesel powered?

Hemi. It consumes electricity the way a Hemi does gasoline...

I can't imagine that would be normal, although I don't really know.

What did you do with your old fridge?

Still got it... waiting for sombody to take it off my hands.

that is not correct.. call the manufacturer.. it should have shut off within the first 12 hours.

Thats what I figured. I'll give them a call hopefully there's not something wrong with it :ugh:


My wife and I are in the process of buying our first house and it needs a fridge. The current one is really old and held shut with a bungee cord. How much do you want for yours?