It was going to be a great day


These go to 11
So I have been prepping my snowmobiles for the last week. Checking the mechanics, fluids, registering them, checking over the trailerm getting my gear together etc, etc, etc...

Hooked up the trailer this morning and promptly threw my back out. So now I am watching everyone ride.... in power... under the sun...

My back sucks.


Junkyard Dog
Southern Utah
Dang Seth, that does bite.

It does remind me though that I'd better get mine out and service them up.

Note to self, use tongue jack and sled lift...

Paul R

Well-Known Member
Oh man that sucks! Wasn't it last year you couldn't ride because you cut off part of your throttle thumb? ... now this... :( Hope you get better quick!


These go to 11
Wow, I can't believe you guys remembered that. It was the same group of fiends and the same destination. My thumb is good now. My back will be okay in a couple of weeks. It was just lame that it happened less then 10 min before we were on the road.

I only got out once last year. When it was -16 in idaho, and that sucked. I was newly diagnosed with MS, was not used to being blind on my left eye and it was absurdly cold. Last year was rough. I am looking forward to getting out this year.