It's a boy!!


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
We've kept it under wraps (literally) but can't hide it anymore. We're having a boy! April 15th due date. :D

This is our first, any good tips/tricks for the next 5 months to prep for the arrival of a little one?

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.

You can't be prepared enough. It won't happen. Lay in the basics and prepared to spend the next 18 years having no idea if you're doing it right.


Well-Known Member
I don't have kids, so my "tips" are a bit weird. These are more mental notes for myself for when I have kids, but it may be helpful for you.

1) Don't complain about how "bad" your kids are or make comments like "You want 'em? They're for sale." Children are special, and I'm sure they're frustrating, but remember your current excitement about having a child.

2) Take them camping EARLY on, and you'll find they're built for it. Kids just plain love the outdoors. I'm convinced most kids have to be taught to dislike camping.

3) My drummer takes his kids on a date once a month, on the day they were born. It could be something small like ice cream or big like going to see a museum, but it's something both he and his son look forward to every month.

4) Take lots of videos and pics

5) Never discipline in a spirit of anger or rage. Don't discipline to "get revenge". Discipline him for his benefit, not yours. Try to keep a cool head.
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Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
Thanks guys! My wife was convinced it was a girl, so I didn't really do the "well what if..." game. But now that I know it's a boy, I'm realizing how excited I am for a boy! :D


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
Try to be completely rational with your children. You will be surprised how quickly they can understand reasoning if you give them the chance. When they ask you why this or how come that the worst answer you can give is "because I said so" or "it just does".

Also don't try to scare your kids into submission with threats of the boogey man coming to get them or something similar. You will be really surprised how many parent say such crazy things because it's easier.

The first few years are so amazing just make sure your there to enjoy it


Smooth Gang Founding Member
I'll bite. I have a 10 month old boy. Sorry for the loooooong reply in advance.

First of all, know that all the cliche stuff about "you've never loved someone until you have a child" or "it will be the best thing to ever happen to you" is absolutely true. It's the craziest thing ever.

I'll give some advice about birth, be there for your wife in whatever capacity you can. I fanned my wife the whole time and then helped hold her leg while she was pushing. Not everyone can handle the leg-holding part, just do what you can to make her comfortable. The kid will come out purple with a cone-head. Do not be alarmed hahaha. Also, don't be shocked by the way the doctor and nursing staff handle him. Babies are not made of glass, believe it or not. They appear to be pretty rough but it's because they have a lot to get done all at once. I also took the opportunity to go with the nurse for all the tests and first bath. Then there is the sleeping arrangements- we chose to have him in our room every night because we couldn't imagine being away from him. Some people prefer having the nurses take the babies so they can sleep well. I wouldn't have slept without him in our room.

Take a lot of pics and especially videos and save them to your computer and an external HD or DVD that you keep in a fireproof safe. Memories are too important to lose.

I suggest having something be "your" time with him. Bath time and story time (before bed) are dad's duties at my house. I love it. It is very special to me.

Last but not least- don't miss any opportunity to be silly and sing and dance with him. You'll have plenty of time to be mad at him when he's a teenager.


By endurance we conquer
Congratulations. Kids are so much fun.

You are the most important thing you can give your child.

Max Power


The hardest part for me was feeling like any freedom I had was gone. I got over that pretty fast. Spend as much time playing with your kid as possible. I sometimes feel guilty that I wasn't around enough that day because of hobbies that I have. On the other hand I never feel guilty or regret that I wasn't spending enough time on hobbies.

Be prepared for the intensity of watching your wife give birth. I had no idea how intense it could be and knowing there wasn't much I could do other than hold her hand.

Stock up on energy drinks of your liking. You will need them when your alarm clock goes off before you want it too.
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I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
Congrats! I have 3 children under age 5, so I know everything there is about raising children :rolleyes:
But my points:
1- To echo Tonkaman, explain and reason with them. Instead of saying "Thats a No No! go to your room! (spank)" say "Hey girls, see those cool 'pictures' you just 'colored' on my car with a rock? Those are actually scratches, and they hurt the car. Lets go get the polish, and I will show you how to fix it now" -true story :(

2-As already said 100 times.. Spend time with kids. I work at home, and I am convinced I could easily double my income if I were at an office.. But I don't get to be Prince Eric at an office.. Nor could I dance with the Princess Celestia at an office.
The electrical switch story from UT410 is a great example of time well spent. It counts and matters to them. Include them in everything you can. (fixin stuff, mowing the lawn, checking the mail, etc.)

3- Some days you will just have to remind yourself that you once wanted this..:wtf:

Our personal parenting style includes very wide boundaries for the children, with strict guide lines and consequences. "yes, you can explore the entire mountain, but If whistle you need to come back"
Pay close attention to well behaved vs problem children.. You will quickly identify different parenting techniques, and what works better than others.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
some good advice but I have a dirty little secret.......... you need to do some stuff for you sometimes. your wife will REALLY need to do some stuff for herself sometime. having a baby is tough and everyone needs some time to pull themselves together after a crazy couple of days.

also don't buy into the hype and bullshit around what is "needed" that you have to buy. cute clothes, of course. butt wipe warmer? no. pee cup for baby boys? uhmm, no. learn to change diapers quickly.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Butt wipe warmer? Oh, hell no. I like to whip it around in the air a little bit so it's nice and cold when I slap it on his bum. Shocked baby faces are funny.

That's what he gets for pooping his diaper when mom isn't home to change it.