It's a boy!!


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
Butt wipe warmer? Oh, hell no. I like to whip it around in the air a little bit so it's nice and cold when I slap it on his bum. Shocked baby faces are funny.

That's what he gets for pooping his diaper when mom isn't home to change it.

^^^ ha ha! I just laughed so hard I choked on breakfast


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
some good advice but I have a dirty little secret.......... you need to do some stuff for you sometimes. your wife will REALLY need to do some stuff for herself sometime. having a baby is tough and everyone needs some time to pull themselves together after a crazy couple of days.

also don't buy into the hype and bullshit around what is "needed" that you have to buy. cute clothes, of course. butt wipe warmer? no. pee cup for baby boys? uhmm, no. learn to change diapers quickly.

Butt wipe warmer? Oh, hell no. I like to whip it around in the air a little bit so it's nice and cold when I slap it on his bum. Shocked baby faces are funny.

That's what he gets for pooping his diaper when mom isn't home to change it.

Haha, awesome. Thankfully we don't buy into all the hype that now surrounds kids and what they "need." I figure if I turned out a pretty normal without all that crap, then they can to.

I'm loving the comments, guys, they're fantastic. I'm suddenly grateful that I am the oldest in my family... I think without all those experiences, this would be a much more daunting experience!


Totally Awesome
If you need any practice, head over and i'll lend you my 3 boys. Anytime! No Charge. LOL.

The older they get the more fun the become. I've been helping my Oldest every night after work with his pre-algebra. Its kind of fun. I'm so glad I took all those classes in college now. I'm finally using it.


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
If you need any practice, head over and i'll lend you my 3 boys. Anytime! No Charge. LOL.

The older they get the more fun the become. I've been helping my Oldest every night after work with his pre-algebra. Its kind of fun. I'm so glad I took all those classes in college now. I'm finally using it.

sawtooth, you have no idea how many have offered kids as 'practice' - get in line. :rofl:

I've told my wife that in the next few months I might get out wheeling more, since I'm pretty sure that will slow down once BBW (Baby Boy Williams) arrives. Initially, anyway - I plan to get him in a rig as soon as I can!
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Well-Known Member
While I am no expert, one girl now another will in March, be prepared to not be in love with your son as soon as he is born. There is nothing wrong with you when you don't love them instantlylke your wife will. Moms have a special bond with babies for 9 months fathers will never have. I used to think I was some special kind of a-hole because I didnt feel the strong attachment to my daughter like I was told I would. It took something like 6-9 months before I felt that special attachment and love for my child.

There is no such thing as being totally prepared for kids. That wont happen until your son is here. You will get tons of "advise" along the way. For the most part the folks are just trying to help but, after awhile it will start to sound like they are telling you what to do with your kid.



Well-Known Member
UT prepared to not be in love with your son as soon as he is born. There is nothing wrong with you when you don't love them instantlylke your wife will. Moms have a special bond with babies for 9 months fathers will never have. I used to think I was some special kind of a-hole because I didnt feel the strong attachment to my daughter like I was told I would. It took something like 6-9 months before I felt that special attachment and love for my child.

Good tip!


Well-Known Member
You will get tons of "advise" along the way. For the most part the folks are just trying to help but, after awhile it will start to sound like they are telling you what to do with your kid.


my mother in law used to do this constantly, drove me nuts. "I raised three kids, so I i know what I'm talking about." True, but your way isn't the only way.
I once told her that I was taking notes of what she said and filing it away. Then whenever she started to lecture, I would start miming; pulling out a notepad, taking notes while nodding and when she was finished...crumpling it up and tossing over my shoulder. Followed by a thumbs up!


Well-Known Member
my mother in law used to do this constantly, drove me nuts. "I raised three kids, so I i know what I'm talking about." True, but your way isn't the only way.
I once told her that I was taking notes of what she said and filing it away. Then whenever she started to lecture, I would start miming; pulling out a notepad, taking notes while nodding and when she was finished...crumpling it up and tossing over my shoulder. Followed by a thumbs up!

Did she choose your RME screename? ;)
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Well-Known Member
West Jordan
While I am no expert, one girl now another will in March, be prepared to not be in love with your son as soon as he is born. There is nothing wrong with you when you don't love them instantlylke your wife will. Moms have a special bond with babies for 9 months fathers will never have. I used to think I was some special kind of a-hole because I didnt feel the strong attachment to my daughter like I was told I would. It took something like 6-9 months before I felt that special attachment and love for my child.

There is no such thing as being totally prepared for kids. That wont happen until your son is here. You will get tons of "advise" along the way. For the most part the folks are just trying to help but, after awhile it will start to sound like they are telling you what to do with your kid.


Very well said


Registered User

Advice....don't over-think things. Have basic supplies set up well in advance (our 2nd was 5 weeks early and spent his first few nights home in a laundry basket because his room wasn't ready yet), then relax and enjoy it.

As others have said, children will be the greatest thing in your life. You won't always know what to do- but trust yourself. Treat them with love and kindness always. Bring them into your activities (mine tent camped at Lake Powell in 110+ at 5 months, fished Flaming Gorge in -10 at 8 months, slept in snow caves as toddlers etc) but also let them bring you into their world. Playing with them and their toys, reading their books, watching their silly movies etc is a lot more fun than you might at first think. As they grow, they will have their own interests, support them and join them. You never know what you will learn you enjoy as much as they did (our now 18 year old is who got us into horses 10 years or so back and now I ride 2-3 times a week.)

Good luck and enjoy the journey ahead.


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Ok, currently with Boys 3, 2, & 1. I can say the following advice has meant the most to me.

1. Don't wish away your child's age. For example, I wish he was older so we could play... especially when they are little, loaf of bread stage (the stage where they are like holding a warm loaf of bread) Enjoy every minute. Pretty soon your cuddle bug will be a wiggle worm who doesn't have time to be held by dad.

2. Two words, "Just wait..." If you think this is cutest, coolest, most awesome your kid will ever get "just wait" it will get better. If you think you couldn't get more tired, more mad, more sacred(kids in the hospital will do this to you), more messy, "just wait" they will beat it. :D

Good luck and congrats...


Registered User
Ok, currently with Boys 3, 2, & 1. I can say the following advice has meant the most to me.

1. Don't wish away your child's age. For example, I wish he was older so we could play... especially when they are little, loaf of bread stage (the stage where they are like holding a warm loaf of bread) Enjoy every minute. Pretty soon your cuddle bug will be a wiggle worm who doesn't have time to be held by dad.

2. Two words, "Just wait..." If you think this is cutest, coolest, most awesome your kid will ever get "just wait" it will get better. If you think you couldn't get more tired, more mad, more sacred(kids in the hospital will do this to you), more messy, "just wait" they will beat it. :D

Good luck and congrats...

Agree with both! I honestly have loved every stage of my kids (now 13, 16 & 18.) The way we interact changes, but still great and have loved it all.


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
I'm amazed at all of the unsolicited things we're getting now that it's out and my wife can't hide it anymore -- you'd think the awkward/embarassed looks on our faces as you continue to talk about your own labor/stretch marks/delivery, etc would be an indicator that we don't want to be talking to you about it! And what's with people wanting to put their hand on a pregnant person's belly?


Well-Known Member
congrats man, we just had our fourth boy two weeks ago. I haven't read all of the comments but of what I caught when looking fast, the best is spending as much time as you can with them. With all the technology today its easy to get distracted. Always be willing to play with them and spend the time building memories. As frustrating as it can be to have my boys out in the garage with me, its great to see them wanting to know everything that I am doing on my vehicles and learning skills that will help them out so much. Also, this is my opinion, make them play outside. We have kids that come over that don't want to play outside and just want to play a video game, when we tell them we don't have any, they are in a little bit of shock.


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
Thanks blznnp, appreciate the comments. That's one thing that I'm going to avoid as much as I can. Growing up we never had anything newer than a Super Nintendo, as such I was outside doing other stuff a lot. That's probably way got me into cars/trucks, was that I had time to kill and tinkered around with my '81 Toyota 4x4. Idaho farmboy through and through. If it comes time they want a system, they can get it themselves and they'd better believe there will be a limit on how much it is played!