I've heard there were big spiders...


Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
Cane spiders are reluctant biters and they'll eat the all cockroaches, should have left it alone!


Hard no

Two things:
1- That is a Big Spider that was road triping with you for how long?
2- What is funny piece of paper with Andrew Jackson's picture on it? (Dad of 4 kids, it doesn't seem familiar)... :D

3 days that i'm aware of probably longer

Thats my emergency $20 buried deep in my wallet, I used to carry $100 as emergency but who can afford that.


Well-Known Member
Lehi, UT
Sorry, there was supposed to be a photo of a large female tarantula in my garage, but ICloud isn’t wanting to cooperate

Honestly, I HATE spiders, but Tarantulas do not bother me in the slightest. I actually think they are pretty cool.