Jack's Letter in the Des News

Persistence pays off! Great comment letter by our very own Jack Johnston.


Why should the Deseret News and Amy Joi O'Donoghue give free advertising ("Wilds threatened?" Deseret News, July 9, 2010) to the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance when SUWA spends about $2 million a year to close roads and scenic areas in Utah? The first sentence of her article says "a local environmental group" which is a distortion as most of its members and dollars come from back East. SUWA even has a New York congressman presenting the Red Rock Wilderness Act because no Utah congressman would. I guess the 22 lines of type given to Republican Mike Noel are supposed to balance out this free advertisement. The BLM's direction from Congress is to maintain public lands for multiple uses not just those that can walk in. How about a free ad to give the other side of the story and to make it fair, give SUWA 22 lines?

Jack Johnston

South Jordan


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
This is the comment I put in the Des News.

I don't think you could find a roadless area in Utah. Just google earth and take a look. If the definition of a road is changed, as it has been, you might be able to find some. I have offered to meet with SUWA, McIntosh & Wilson, to see if we can find some common ground to no avail. Yes, I believe there are some area's that might qualify but not to the extent that SUWA proposes and with different rules for access. You will continue to hear from me as long as DES News will print my opinions. Also make note that all I say is the truth and if by some chance you do find an error please bring it to my attention. I lost my original copy of the 1976 FLPMA so will have to get a new one.