Archived Jeep Safari 2013 plans?

That's one of the things the officials are supposed to verify. Compliance with UT law. No one will be doing an actual Utah State Safety inspection, but there's some verbage somewhere in the trail paperwork that states that vehicles should be production based. "Buggy" type vehicles are strongly discouraged through the permit if I'm not mistaken (I was trying to find the verbage but it might be in the paper?---I don't see it in my volunteer stuff). The RR4W volunteers are strongly encouraged to not risk the permit and be as compliant as possible.

Thanks for the info, i figured as much. This will be the first time that will attend the event with a buggy, as in previous years i attended in modified jeeps. I was still hoping to spend a couple days enjoying the slower social trail rides with RR4W but no biggie. I'll still be in Moab throughout the week & be sure to buy a raffle ticket!
You should join us on Hell's Revenge opening Saturday. Matt, Maverick (Brett), and MBryson (Marc) are the leaders and gunners. We have a good time.
Im hoping too. I already am planning on paying for two of the trails and would hate to pay for a 3rd....sunday however i am down for whatever. Matt has indicated a run going on that day.

Well I will becoming down probably Thursday night with the old man probably til Sunday.
Be sure to let me know as soon as you know what trails your running. It would be good to wheel with you again.

Right now here is my schedule.

Sat 23rd - undecided
Sun 24th - Run with Matt H/Bart/Whoever on whatever
Mon 25th - undecided
Tue 26th - undecided
Wed 27th - hells revenge/fins and things non guided
Thur 28th - elephant hill - guided with RR4W
Fri 29th - Poison Spider and possible the entire golden spike trail - non guided
Sat 30th - Pritchett :D <<this is a maybe since the wife is not interested at all. If i do it then i will be paying for the guided tour
Sun 31st - pack up and head home, maybe do an easy trail in the morning or a hike

As a side note: from my understanding you can still run trails down there during the safari but you can only go at certain times since they close the trails down? Does anyone have experience with this?
I'll be down with TL! all week. I think I'll be on Warns trail ride and maybe a couple others. Otherwise I'll be working the booth giving out free stuff and getting members to sign up.
Ahhh you guys suck! Well my reasoning is that my brother is coming down tuesday night. He has never ran hells or fins so im wanting to take him on those. He isnt locked and when looking into trails it seems like elephant hill is a good fit for his rig. I saved poision spider for the last day he will be down since thats a more extreme trail(for him) and depending on how he feels about that will determine if we run the entire thing. seems like im going to be the exact opposite of everyone else :(
Ahhh you guys suck! Well my reasoning is that my brother is coming down tuesday night. He has never ran hells or fins so im wanting to take him on those. He isnt locked and when looking into trails it seems like elephant hill is a good fit for his rig. I saved poision spider for the last day he will be down since thats a more extreme trail(for him) and depending on how he feels about that will determine if we run the entire thing. seems like im going to be the exact opposite of everyone else :(

itll still be a good time. I'm honestly surprised how much I like EJS. You'll just have to hang with the cool kids some other time.
well I just signed up and got ps on saturday, sb on sunday... open the rest of the week... Might do eh on tuesday with the cool kids...

Anyone have room for one person plus pug in their living space? I don't want to tie up a campground for one person the whole week...
The wife and I are headed down Tue the 26th and stayin till Sunday @ the River Canyon Lodge. No other plans yet. Haha. I want to try and catch the end of the crawl run out at bfe on Tue but I don't know if will make it. It would be fun to meet up and run some trails w you guys. Pritchet, hells, the trio, I'm up for anything. Lol.

Probably @ work under a truck, Tapatalk 2
I will be down on Sunday and staying till Sunday. Heading down with my work Larry H Miller Chrysler Jeep. We will be set up on Main Street stop by and see us. Also we are sponsoring Gold Bar Rim on Thursday so sign up and come go with us. We will also be at PS on Friday doing water and tshirts and what not stop by and say hi. Would be great to see some of you there.
I'll be there with my new ride. :D
I am going to be there friday (22) thru saturday (29) but have only signed up for trails sat and sun of the first part so far... would love to meet up with others during the week and run some trails...
I know this is very last minute, but suddenly I am considering heading to EJS for some mid-week fun. I could be there to run trails as early as Monday the 25th and as late as Friday the 29th, though I would only have four days max to be in town so I won't be there all week. I just set up an account at the RR4W web site and I see there are still many guided runs with openings (which surprised me), though Elephant Hill is already completely booked. They won't let me on Pritchett since I don't have a winch, so that one is out, too.

What do you guys suggest? Will I be able to hook up with any of you? (And where on Earth am I going to stay? Guess I better get working on that one, too.)
You could see if pack creek campground has any openings left. That is if you wanted to camp. Hotels tend to jack up the prices pretty good during EJS time so even if you find one be prepared to pay out :(