South-East Utah JL Rockies Invitational

I have been researching about the area. In some trip reports I have seen signs that say no fires, and people using portable toilets to pack out the business. In other reports people are making fires and digging holes.
I cannot find anything on the NPS website about what is required.

Anyone have specific info available?
What other specific Items should we be planning for?
There is no wood burning fires and there is no longer dug a hole option. The rules are listed on the website. The other districts have vault toilets and the last time I was on the White Rim, we huddled around a propane fire. The last time I was in the maze, we huddled around a lantern.

Utah Bureau of Awesomeness Department.
I imagine of everyone dug holes in the confines of the sites, it would get messy and it's difficult to get out there to maintain the sites.
You can buy a foldable a Walmart along with the bags. It's a good idea to transport the bags outside of the vehicle, God forbid there's a failure.

Utah Bureau of Awesomeness Department.