June 21st Dry Lake-Little Moab


New Member
:cool:Meet at Smiths in Saratoga Springs at 8:30 AM, departing at 9AM to get there drive down maint street in Lehi towards Eagle Moutain. When you hit Red Wood Road the Smiths is right there on your Right.

I made this ride last summer while geocaching in the area. We passed some ATVs who thought we might have some trouble at one spot. I thought "oh goody - a challenge!". It turned out to be nothing beyond the abilities of the club members, and I'm not sure a stock jeep couldn't handle it with a good spotter. I led a group of stock jeeps over the trail last month as a pre-ride to check for snow and fallen trees. We found and removed one tree but were stopped by snow before the rough spot, within walking distance of Dry Lake. We ran into mud over Black Rock Canyon which pulled us into deep ruts, making life interesting, but everyone made it through without much difficulty. By the 21st there should be no snow, and unless there is a last-minute rainstorm mud should not stop us. Dry Lake is in a small basin almost at the peak, where there are sweeping vistas into three counties. This is not a long ride. Depending on stops we should be back to Redwood road or Little Moab by mid afternoon. If there are no recent rains there will surely be plenty of dust in places, so plan accordingly. See ya there, and bring your friends! I would rate the Trail a 3 to a 3.5 :cool:


Wandering the desert
Man I've wanted to go to the dry lake for a long time. I'll be in the West Desert this weekend however. Be sure to post up a report when you get back.


New Member
Lone Peak 4 Wheelers

This Trail Ride is with the Lone Peak 4 Wheelers. All are welcome it should be a good trail ride to bring the family on.