

Vanilla Gorilla
I watched this in the theater with some friends and then again on the small screen and I have to say that this is one of the best films in the last couple of years. They tackle some really tough material there and do it with a sense of style and witty humor that is rarely found in today's cinema.

Take your teenage daughter or son to this movie....teach them about the birds and the bees...then buy them a wal-mart bag full of condoms so you don't have to go through all that crap!!

This is a great movie with a great message and the ending is quite heartwarming!

Bucking Bronco

I must agree that it is a good movie. My fiancee drug me to it on her birthday and I was surprised at how good it was.

Needless to say it now in our movie library


I liked it, but then I've liked her since she was on TPB. Definatly the best actor to have been on that show.
I love that all you guys have watched it! I really want to see it, just haven't had the time yet. I will definitely be using this thread as leverage to coerce my husband into watching it with me. :)


Suddenly Enthusiastic
I love that all you guys have watched it! I really want to see it, just haven't had the time yet. I will definitely be using this thread as leverage to coerce my husband into watching it with me. :)

Tell him he won't regret seeing it. It really is great. :)


Im not much for chick-flicks, but Juno was pretty good, shes got a dry-creative sence of humor and expression. lots of messages in the movie.
I really needed an escape from reality yesterday and Juno seemed like a good choice. I loved it!! :tara: Of course it made me cry, but I'm a girl and we're allowed those moments. :rofl: The actress who played Juno cracked me up, I adore her sense of humor. I give it two enthusiastic thumbs up!


Senior crawler
Utah County
my wife brought it home and watched it without me. I told her i wanted to see it but I guess she didn't think I would have enjoyed it..

I'll go rent it and watch it I guess.


My wife and I loved it we watched it as soon as it came out and watched another time before bringing it back. The sound track is interesting I actually like it just some weird music. Very funny movie.