King Challenge DVD- update


Just loosing my mind
Hey everyone who purchased the King Challenge 2008 DVD (or are just curious), I just wanted to give a quick update about the progress of the DVD.

As much as I was hoping to be done with it by now, I'm not. I've spent well over 70 hours editing, photo/video enhancing and audio production/editing, but has a ways to go still. I have quite a bit of if finished and ready for the final cut, however I still have a lot to edit. There was a total of about 10 hours of video shot, I have gone through all of it several times and each time it is cut down to the best footage. I have the Daily Driver section of the DVD done, and have uploaded a 5 minute clip of the Log Cross. I hope you like it.

Please be patient as I finish up the remainder of the footage and DVD, but It still may be a few weeks before we get to the final cut and get it out to the duplicators.

Here is the clip, enjoy:



Just loosing my mind
The Update: the video is very close. Have one clip from the Open class, the Gauntlet Video, and a couple advertisement screens for our generous sponsors left. I am shooting to be able to be shipping the DVD's around Thanksgiving. My guess is it will be the week after... It's looking really good. I hope everyone is as pleased with it as I am. Thanks for being patient.

There are a bunch of pics on It takes a long time to load the pics... I blame it on the Mac website he has it hosted on;)
I do have a few of his pics on our website... Under Pictures go to the Album: 2008-June-14


Just loosing my mind
For those looking for more pictures... I know Cave Art's overflow site is very slow and seems to give me script errors a lot... I have uploaded a selection of the pictures of the club website, and are accessible in the pictures section.


Just loosing my mind
Yep, really close. All the video is edited, all i have to do is end credits and compile the final cut... should be shipping Monday or Tuesday


Hows it looking for next year, I know its early to ask I just wondering if you need help putting it together? I had a blast this year can't wait for next!!!!


Just loosing my mind
Hows it looking for next year, I know its early to ask I just wondering if you need help putting it together? I had a blast this year can't wait for next!!!!

Not sure exactly where we will be headed next year. With all the trail closures in the price area we are not sure where to focus our energy. ...I should say we dont know if we will have enough energy and time to deal with the trail issues and plan the King Challenge... Right now it will be fighting the closures, not the king challenge... but it is still undecided. We will know more as to what we will be doing some time around the first of the year.

I am currently doing final rendering as i type this (the other computer is thinking while I play on this one). I am an evening behind because of unexpected family stuff that needed to be taken care of over the weekend. So shipping of the DVD should start on Tuesday if there are no major duplication problems. It may take a couple days to get them all mailed out, but will for sure be shipped this week. :greg: I really hope everyone enjoys this DVD, I've put a LOT of hard work and many hours into it. (The GF can testify of this)

Please feel free to critique my work and give suggestions for my future video productions.


opinions are like Jeeps..
Clinton, Ut
Why dont you focus the King Challenge to deal with the trail closures.

Use the prize money to help the fight instead of giving it out. I know I would give my winnings up.

You could set up a donation booth with info about the closures and whatnot. It gets a lot of people to Price that usually arent down that direction

The King Challenge must go on!!


I second that it must go on, use the money from the entries and the trophys to help fight the trail issues. I've never ran trails in price and would love to come up but I always seem to run trails closer to me and I will come for King challenge every year.


Just loosing my mind
If I did not Pre-order one, can I still get one?

Yes you can. Go to our website and click on the video menu link at the top of the page. It will take you to the videos section where you can purchase a copy. Just use the correct "Buy Now" button. The top button is for spectators/general public, $15.00. The lower button is for competitors, spotters and volunteers, $10.00.

If you don't have a way to pay through Pay Pal, send me a PM (or email address in my signature line) and I'll give you the address where you can send in a check/cash, and when it arrives I'll send out the DVD.

DVD's are done and look awesome. :D They will begin mailing tomorrow after I get the addresses labeled.

Thanks for the ideas about the King Challenge. I'll bring it up to the club and see what the think. I like the idea and hopefully they will to. I'll let you know more when I know more.