
This was in todays paper if anyone wants to read it.

BLM hopes to control Knolls through pay-to-play plan
Written by Tooele Transcript

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

The 36,000 acres of sand dunes, hills, and mud flats of Knolls are a favorite venue for off-roaders, campers, and weekend partiers. But as the party at Knolls has gotten increasingly crowded and unruly, the Bureau of Land Management has had to step in to police the area.

After concerns over litter, vegetation and trails destruction, drug use, and firearms violations, the BLM has enacted a user-fee system and several rules to tackle the problems. The new rules are aimed at preserving the area, protecting public health and enhancing the safety of visitors.

Since March 1, visitors at the Knolls Special Recreation Management Area are required to pay a daily fee. The charge is $6 per day per primary vehicle (street legal vehicle used for transportation to the site) or $40 for an annual pass. This year the price will be prorated at $30. There is no fee for overnight camping.

The new rules prohibit target shooting, the use of glass containers outside of enclosed vehicles, and the burning of firewood containing nails, screws or other metal hardware. Campfires outside the confines of a fire pan or other containers are also outlawed. Regulations also forbid the operation of a motorized vehicle in excess of the posted speed limit on any maintained roadway. The hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. are to be respected as quiet time.

"We've had a few problems with rave parties at Knolls," said Glenn Carpenter, the BLM field manager for the Knolls area. "These parties last all night and drugs are available. Along with alcohol, another drug used at these parties is ecstasy."

Putting a stop to such parties was one reason for the creation of the new fees and rules. Fees collected will directly benefit those who pay to play at Knolls. Throughout the last year, the BLM has upgraded and improved two bathroom facilities, constructed parking areas and installed informational bulletin boards. Future projects that may be funded through fees include installing picnic tables and additional restroom facilities, maintaining trails, and installing a traffic counter.

Last November, the BLM also added another ranger to patrol the borders of the wilderness area.


Sandy, Ut
Sounds good to me... this has been on the books for several years... sounds like they are finally enacting it officially. The 5MPRA is gonna be a similar situation soon enough... good I say... as long as the money keeps trails OPEN!!!


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
You would eh?

What if it was $600? Would you still gladly pay it? So what does the money get you? The BLM is already funded. Are you going to see less glass, less trash, and just happy scenes all around now?

We'll see what happens to the money. My guess? Nothing gets cleaned up OR improved, BLM gets more money to fund "studies" calling for more closure. Or not. :D


I swore that I would never go up AFC again after they started charging.... I go up there WAY more now than I ever did pre toll


Wandering the desert
I think it's sad that things are coming down to this. It's PUBLIC land, now we have to pay. I am so damn sick of people trashing the land, and not caring about anything except themselves. Pick up your damn beer bottles and trash. :mad2: It is so frustrating that so many of us are trying to do the right and responsible thing only to have a few dumbass rednecks get drunk and ruin everything we are working for. :mad2: :mad2:


Registered User
While never a big fan of fees, the reality is it takes money to provide the needed/wanted services. That must either come via user fees or tax hikes.
And my taxes are too stinking high as it is.


Formerly limegrnxj
i have been out there a few times since the new fee has been in place and there have been some improvements made. there are rest rooms and maintained parking ares now, the main road is in better shape, and the train tracks are more easily passable now. so i would say there has been some good things being done now.

i think it would be an improvement for 5 mile as well.