KOH stock class


Active Member
Stock mod is basically a buggy that has to look like a production vehicle... and no full hydro. Any "vehicle" could win that class, not much advantage by choosing one vehicle or the next.

Agreed, no production advantages in stock mod, the title will go to the smartest build with the best team.

In stock class, if I were a betting man I'd have to put my money on an LJ.


sugar house
Oh boy, if I still had my 4runner... From what I've seen.. The guys that do well aren't always the fastest in the desert but the guys that can spend the least amount of time "bottle necked" at the obstacles so I personally don't think you need a super fast desert car to win... With that being said, shannon campbell goes fast enough he misses the bottle neck completely. I think a well built lj would do extremely well, good motor, good tranny, a million suspension options. however I'd like to think a Toyota could do it