SUWA has their own pro-RRWB petition that they will present to Congress with all it's signatures. Their petition is opened to the end of the year, but I don't know when they plan on presenting their petition.
I would like to see USA-ALL or the U4WDA present our petition with signatures, right after SUWA presents theirs. I'd hope that we can beat them with signatures, just to show Congress that the RRWB is not a good thing and there are more people out there that are against it, than for it.
I've followed the RRWB petitions over the years, IMO it would be almost futile to try and beat them in the numbers, it is absolutely never going to happen with a low scale effort. Wish it were not the case but that is the sad reality given. They have an international support base, millions of dollars and far less apathetic users and most importantly a 10+ year headstart. While dim and discouraging I would bet we would be able to summon less than 10% of their numbers. That;s not to say its not worth trying, however if your going to put this out there, there needs to be a firm game plan in play, Facebook nets only ~18% of automotive enthusiasts (SEMA recently released a study on this). If its going to be done at all, it needs to be done right... 300 names on a petition is going to hurt the cause imo.
I think the best defeat of AWRA would be in the form of a parallel wilderness bill, one that covers the majority of the current version of the RRWB without the losses that the current bill imposes. Ie cherry-stemming of all routes, provisions for future routes and limiting the total number of acres logistically manageable. Its going to take a ton of effort, volunteers and money to do... 3 things the land use battle doesn't have in Utah.
Hate to be so dim but there are far bigger "fish to fry" than trying to defeat the RRWB here in Utah when it comes to our public lands. We still don't have anyone working with the SL BLM office in regards to their upcoming RMP... and defeating all the Wilderness proposals in Utah isn't going to save trails like Constrictor, etc. These RMP's are 100x's more important imo than the RRWB at this time and we can't even begin to handle those (Price and Vernal for Example).