Jason, I guess you missed my solicitation for a "game plan".
Where do you plan to take it from here? Do you have plans to take this to a state senator? Any plans to move this past the limited membership of Facebook? Usa-All, U4WDA, BRC on board with this? If your going to do it, do it right, anything else hurts the cause imo.
Kudos for taking the time to set this all up[/B, its aboslutely a step in the right direction. I would recommend you spend some time working on your Facebook statement, its got the same propaganda and misleading hype that turns so many off of a SUWA'esque page.
Again, I want to make it clear I am not a supporter of the RRWB, its full of faulty inventories, far over-reaching acreage and limiting factors for future growth and resource needs both human and environmental. But if its done, it needs to be done right.