I am not 100% on that, but I want to say U4 tried something like that when Steve Jackson was president? I could very well be mistaken. At any rate it's a good idea that we talked about with Mark Ward a few months ago, and was somewhat sidetracked by uncertainty...
Definitely something I would personally like to get going on. I think there may be a chance with all these different groups more or less heading in the same direction finally.
If the action item you are talking about is getting an inventory of the routes, we did put together a tool to submit data to one central location with the help of Herzog during the St. George comment period last year. It worked ok, but does need some refinement.
Not just an inventory, not just a tool to submit data, but an
ORGANIZED effort to compile, share info, and document progress.
For example... I decide to take an extra day on my way to Vegas to do some exploring in West Central Utah. I decide to check out some roads through some SUWA proposed wilderness. So I check their maps against my maps against the county maps and identify a dozen roads in a particular SUWA proposed wilderness. I want to go verify a few of the roads, take pictures, and prepare a statement about my use of the road. I want to use this during some future re-consideration of the area as Lands with Wilderness Characteristics, or Wild Lands designation, or whatever.
My effort would be nice, but it would be 10 times more effective if I could first check with USA-ALL and/or U4WDA and/or my club to see if any of the roads in that area have already been documented. Maybe my efforts are better off on road A instead of road B. Or maybe there is an area 50 miles from my intended exploration that needs more attention and I choose to reroute my trip a little bit. Or maybe USA-ALL has assigned some ATV organization to check out that area and I should instead fulfill an assignment that U4WDA has in nearby XXX area.
A LOT of this has already been. Hopefully
SOME of this has already been done.
But "
I" need to know what's been done and what I should do.
My local club needs to know what's been done and what it should do.
U4WDA needs to know what's been done and what it should do.
IMHO Nothing could make these seminars more effective and useful than if USA-ALL takes to heart the messages of the seminar and takes a leadership role on this specific task, utilizing all of its associated user group organizations like U4WDA, ATV groups, motorcycle groups, etc; communicating to each about progress and needs.
Some of the action phrases from Mark Ward as written in my notes:
4x4 groups need to mobilize, review ARRWA for roads"
Marshall an effort to make the argument the WE use these roads BECAUSE they are public"
Start inventory...data...pictures...statements"