LHM Bountiful, worst service department on earth...


So, without going into too much detail - it will just raise my blood pressure...

I did get it back from them the very next day after my last post. So, score one for LHM, actually moved and did something. And my missing skid plate was installed. And some of my lights that hadn't been working, were working. Score another for LHM, at least for a minute.

But the bolts were still missing from the transfer case skid. Service manager insisted on putting it up on a lift and getting them installed while I watched. Watched and waited. It was like a bad Keystone cops impression watching those guys struggle to even get my Jeep on a lift. I mean, it would have been sad, if it weren't my skin in the game.

So, I'm just standing there watching three techs (seriously, three of them...) trying to figure out how to get it up on the lift and after five minutes I'm starting to lose my patience. I turned to the manager and told him, complete with F bombs, just give me a effing ratchet and the bolts and I'll put the effing things in so I can get the eff out of here you idiots don't even know how to use a lift!

He got mad, at them, not me, two minutes later he had the Jeep up on the lift by himself.

Twenty minutes later, they were still looking for bolts to fit. I'm just standing there, this whole time. When they find the bolts, it takes another five minutes just to get the right size socket and get them installed. Not the right bolts, either. But "they fit".

Showed me that my lights were working and went on and on about how the tech had spent a lot of time chasing it down and redoing the ground "right".

Well, by the time I had driven it the three miles home, I must have hit a bump, because the lights quit working again... It only took me ten minutes to figure out what the tech had done to "fix" the ground and it was beyond shoddy, crappy, careless work. So I spent a whopping 15 more minutes and actually did "do it right". I have not had any time to check any of the other wiring he did, but everything I've seen so far of the work he did is just disgusting. I mean, mind blowing that anyone that does that for a living could care so little and go so out of his way to do shitty work just to save himself a few seconds here and there.

An example... Already talked about he left of a skid plate and only put half the bolts back in the other one. Well, every single thing I've looked at that he took off and put back on, ONLY HALF THE BOLTS ARE THERE! Locker pumps? Four bolts hold them on. Only two of them there. Every single thing he took off is like that. A habit, in other words. How he does everything, I'm sure.

It's just disgraceful. Disgusting. I really am almost shocked by it? And I don't shock easy. These guys though, they don't care, they aren't competent, they actually seem to have habits that cause them to go out of their way to do a shitty job. Looking at all of it put together, the whole 7 week ordeal, it's almost unbelievable.

I'm sure I'll be finding and having to re-do crap from this for a long time.

Bad news, sorry to hear it. :(

Probably need to keep some wiring supplies with you on your trips...it's certain that something will bite you when you're in the middle of nowhere.
That just sucks. The worst part is, as you've experienced, you can have them make it right, they aren't capable. Even if they refund the money they were paid it still has to be fixed and you roll the dice again. Sorry to hear about this Dave. Glad you shared. This is how places like this get hurt. I will never drive by this place without remembering this story.

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Little update...

LHM service, the gift that keeps on giving...

Have continued to find small stuff left undone or bolts missing here and there. Nothing big, but taken all together, just a disturbing picture of utter, complete, total lack of caring or professionalism. Basically, absolutely anything that could be left undone or completely undone and hidden, was. But I've just been replacing the missing bolts and finishing the incomplete work as I find it.

No way those guys are ever seeing me or my Jeep again. Or, so I hoped.

But... Went to use my AC down in The Maze last weekend. It didn't work. Waited until I got home to troubleshoot. Turns out, LHM had been thoughtful enough to go ahead and just delete my AC while they were working on my Jeep. The section of wiring harness that plugs into the compressor clutch, has been cut off and doesn't go to anything. So just looking from above, you see that the plug is there where it should be. But when I got underneath to try and figure out how I was going to test that connection to make sure it was getting juice when the switch is turned on, I found that there is about 12" of wiring harness attached to the compressor, complete with another plug that goes to who knows what, just hanging there. Been cleanly cut off.

Figuring out where and how to splice that back in to the wiring harness is just out of my league. So... Much as I didn't want to, I went back there the other day. Neither GM nor service manager were around. Highest ranking manager that was there, said nothing he could do. But, took my name and number and assured me the GM would be calling. I assured him that I bet the GM wouldn't. And of course, nobody has called.

So... I guess I'm going back again today and hope to find the GM. Not going to talk to anyone else. Just going to have to keep going down there until I get to talk to him. Even then, I really don't expect anything. But I feel like I have to try.

But, for the love of all that is good in the world - if you are reading this, STAY AWAY from LHM BOUNTIFUL! Run away! They've done nothing but bring misery to me.

Every time I get to thinking they couldn't possibly have bungled your Jeep any worse, you post an update. So lame.
ASE certification dosent mean much these days.

I wonder if one of us could help figure it out. Dont we have an electrical guru on here, or used to ?

Dont need big tires to have fun.
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I've had decent service the one time I took my V10 to Evans Automotive. 905 N Main St, North Salt Lake. Not sure if anyone else has a recommendation for service in the area
Ho-leee-crap, what the freak is wrong with the guys who work there? And how do they stay in business? If they want to waste your time then waste some of theirs, call all your friends to go down and act like they want to buy a car on a busy Saturday, then after driving multiple cars and the salesman goes to sit down and ask to run their credit they simply get up and walk out. That may sound a bit juvenile, but the morons down there deserve a bit of their own medicine.
I'd rather not engage in any pay back. Not like that, anyway. Just not my style. What goes around, comes around. They'll get theirs sooner or later. I'm sure of that.

I went over there again yesterday, since nobody ever called as I was assured would happen. Wasn't allowed to speak to the GM. I started with the same guy as the first time I went there - finance manager I believe - that had promised me the GM would call. He wouldn't even look at me and was almost, but not quite really, hostile. Tried to act like he didn't know why I was there, but gave that up almost immediately and just settled for looking sideways or down at the desk and refusing to look at me. Definitely not friendly. He said I'd have to talk to the service manager. I said I didn't want to talk to the service manager, I wanted to talk to the GM. He just repeated that I'd have to talk to the service manager, said he was sure I knew where his office was, no other option. I stuck with it for a bit, but was getting nowhere, they were NOT going to let me talk to the GM. Period.

So, I talked to the service manager. He was plenty friendly. Always has been... Professional and courteous. Did his best to put a good face on things and assured me that "if" what I described was true, they would get me taken care of. He also tried to weasel the facts a bit on how things had got to this point, but I shut him down cold on that by simply stating what was documented and not in any way open to dispute or interpretation and he didn't persist with it. I was having a hard time remaining calm and raised my voice and started to get pissed, which probably isn't helpful and I tried not to go there, with only partial success. Upshot, I'm doing the White Rim this weekend, not home until Monday night. But after work on Tuesday I'm dropping it off over there. We're supposed to get it up on a lift and have a good look while I'm there. I made him promise me that it wouldn't be the same guy working on it and he agreed.

So, we'll see how it goes. I'm expecting my Jeep to be there for awhile. But, hopefully they get the AC spliced back into the wiring harness good and proper and this can be the end of it. I sure hope so.

Well, I think I can write the epilogue on this one. Put a fork in it and call it done.

Ended on a happier note, I think. I dropped the Jeep off late Tue. afternoon. Robert, the service manager, told me probably be at least two days. Called me a bit ago and I just got home with it. So, they actually got it done in two days, the time they said they would. AC is blowing nice frosty air. Wiring harness looks factory. Not positive, but pretty sure the service manager did the work himself, he had said he probably would and a couple comments made while picking it up, I'm pretty sure he did.

If only the first round had gone like this...

So, hopefully, and I think it will be, this is the end of this.

Wow that's epic shit storm of a story. I'm glad it seems to be resolved. I have always a had pretty good luck with the LHM service in sandy (Jeep, Subaru, and Ford). The sales people on the other hand have been super aggressive or like to show me a vehicle that is 3 times my monthly payment when I tell them I want to stay in the same payment range.