So, without going into too much detail - it will just raise my blood pressure...
I did get it back from them the very next day after my last post. So, score one for LHM, actually moved and did something. And my missing skid plate was installed. And some of my lights that hadn't been working, were working. Score another for LHM, at least for a minute.
But the bolts were still missing from the transfer case skid. Service manager insisted on putting it up on a lift and getting them installed while I watched. Watched and waited. It was like a bad Keystone cops impression watching those guys struggle to even get my Jeep on a lift. I mean, it would have been sad, if it weren't my skin in the game.
So, I'm just standing there watching three techs (seriously, three of them...) trying to figure out how to get it up on the lift and after five minutes I'm starting to lose my patience. I turned to the manager and told him, complete with F bombs, just give me a effing ratchet and the bolts and I'll put the effing things in so I can get the eff out of here you idiots don't even know how to use a lift!
He got mad, at them, not me, two minutes later he had the Jeep up on the lift by himself.
Twenty minutes later, they were still looking for bolts to fit. I'm just standing there, this whole time. When they find the bolts, it takes another five minutes just to get the right size socket and get them installed. Not the right bolts, either. But "they fit".
Showed me that my lights were working and went on and on about how the tech had spent a lot of time chasing it down and redoing the ground "right".
Well, by the time I had driven it the three miles home, I must have hit a bump, because the lights quit working again... It only took me ten minutes to figure out what the tech had done to "fix" the ground and it was beyond shoddy, crappy, careless work. So I spent a whopping 15 more minutes and actually did "do it right". I have not had any time to check any of the other wiring he did, but everything I've seen so far of the work he did is just disgusting. I mean, mind blowing that anyone that does that for a living could care so little and go so out of his way to do shitty work just to save himself a few seconds here and there.
An example... Already talked about he left of a skid plate and only put half the bolts back in the other one. Well, every single thing I've looked at that he took off and put back on, ONLY HALF THE BOLTS ARE THERE! Locker pumps? Four bolts hold them on. Only two of them there. Every single thing he took off is like that. A habit, in other words. How he does everything, I'm sure.
It's just disgraceful. Disgusting. I really am almost shocked by it? And I don't shock easy. These guys though, they don't care, they aren't competent, they actually seem to have habits that cause them to go out of their way to do a shitty job. Looking at all of it put together, the whole 7 week ordeal, it's almost unbelievable.
I'm sure I'll be finding and having to re-do crap from this for a long time.