Lighten the mood


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member

I've never had a problem squatting and pooping anywhere, without making a mess of myself. But over the years, I've come to realize, that is a skill many lack.

I've got friends that I camp with regularly that go to sillier lengths than that just to pinch a loaf in the woods. One of them has a toilet seat that goes in his trailer hitch. Seems incredibly bothersome and unnecessary to me (a kind way of saying I think it's ****ing stupid), but, like others I know, he just can't do it clean without either something to hang onto or something to sit on. I'm going to send him this. It would take up a lot less space and be a lot less hassle to hook this on his old man Ford handle deal that the ridiculouse hitch crapper thing he hauls around.

I actually know a couple guys that will just let it all back up for DAYS, rather than just walk off a few feet and dump a brown baby and feel like a new man.



Smooth Gang Founding Member
One time, when I was on a fishing trip in the Uinta’s with my dad when I was like 12 I realized I had an imminent threat, in the form of a brown baby boy coming forth. I found an amazing downed log to drop my own personal log. Everything was going great until I looked down to see the world’s biggest mosquito on my bean bag. I panicked and slapped myself so hard in the balls that I rarely and I mean rarely poop in the outdoors anymore. Let this be a cautionary tale to all of you outdoor dumpers.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
I've never had a problem squatting and pooping anywhere, without making a mess of myself. But over the years, I've come to realize, that is a skill many lack.

I've got friends that I camp with regularly that go to sillier lengths than that just to pinch a loaf in the woods. One of them has a toilet seat that goes in his trailer hitch. Seems incredibly bothersome and unnecessary to me (a kind way of saying I think it's ****ing stupid), but, like others I know, he just can't do it clean without either something to hang onto or something to sit on. I'm going to send him this. It would take up a lot less space and be a lot less hassle to hook this on his old man Ford handle deal that the ridiculouse hitch crapper thing he hauls around.

I actually know a couple guys that will just let it all back up for DAYS, rather than just walk off a few feet and dump a brown baby and feel like a new man.

Bumper dumper! Pretty sure @jeeper has one. Or did.

I am just not too terribly good at squatting and balancing while I do my business, and the knees don't like it. I can and do, but I prefer to put my back on a tree or something. That strap looks pretty neato to me.
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