Lighten the mood


Smooth Gang Founding Member
I'm pretty sad this is where we are. I hate the lack of respect toward the cops, and I hate the way the cop loses it and acts like a non professional too. It is a tough job, but this guy isn't very impressive.
They have such an emotionally taxing job that I don't expect them to always act without emotion. He was ready to let the guy go before he mouthed off and had weed visible in his car. To me, if he needs to yell at some total moron to get back to zero, that's fine. Is it ideal, nah... but does ideal even exist when you're dealing with a situation like that?

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
They have such an emotionally taxing job that I don't expect them to always act without emotion. He was ready to let the guy go before he mouthed off and had weed visible in his car. To me, if he needs to yell at some total moron to get back to zero, that's fine. Is it ideal, nah... but does ideal even exist when you're dealing with a situation like that?

My expectation of their behavior is different than yours. That's cool. Would it be easy, no, would I like it, no. That's why I do something else. But instead of acting like the person he's dealing with, he could just call back up and arrest the guy. Many times I think the public needs the crap beat out of them, but that isn't what we do. Words are words, but just like I don't want anyone tossing the Fbomb or other profanity at me, I don't think I should toss them at them either. I guess society has decided that no speech is bad or offensive. I still believe that. My kids hate having to hear nothing but the F word at high school. It's very unfortunate. I wonder why respect in general has been lost.


Well-Known Member
Millcreek, UT
I'm pretty sad this is where we are. I hate the lack of respect toward the cops, and I hate the way the cop loses it and acts like a non professional too. It is a tough job, but this guy isn't very impressive.

My best friend was an SLCPD officer. The lack of respect even 30 years ago was eye-opening. I went on ride-alongs too many times to count. I recall being in a 7-eleven with him. Of course I was just in regular clothes. As my friend pays for his drink and walks out to his patrol car, a group of guys who I'd guess were around 20 years old starts saying F-ing pig, and all sorts of other witty comments. They look at me probably expecting me to echo their comments. I paid for my drink, looked at them, and walked out to the passenger side of the patrol car. I always wondered if it maybe made them stop and think about their opinions. That's just one example.

This cop on the video. He's a bit unhinged, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't understand it. That's just based on my interaction with the public on a few ride-alongs years ago.

I can understand why it's hard to get and retain Officers today.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
My expectation of their behavior is different than yours. That's cool. Would it be easy, no, would I like it, no. That's why I do something else. But instead of acting like the person he's dealing with, he could just call back up and arrest the guy. Many times I think the public needs the crap beat out of them, but that isn't what we do. Words are words, but just like I don't want anyone tossing the Fbomb or other profanity at me, I don't think I should toss them at them either. I guess society has decided that no speech is bad or offensive. I still believe that. My kids hate having to hear nothing but the F word at high school. It's very unfortunate. I wonder why respect in general has been lost.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, I just agree to disagree. I always hope for the best but prepare for the worst when dealing with anyone in a position of power. I’ve had pretty damn good luck so far by just being respectful but I’ve also had some interesting interactions.


somewhat damaged
So, I was in Ace grabbing some things and as I approached the clerk everything went off. I looked at him and said "do you see any zombies?" He got a good laugh out of that and said "I heard that might happen!" X-D