Lions Not Sheep

What a piece of garbage, companies like that annoy me, already hard enough to find good American made products only to usually get them and find they came from china. First group of people I saw wearing that brand made up my mind to never buy any of it, along with the fact that everyone one having it are all now what the claim to not be Paradigm Machine? And 200k fine no jail time is a bit lax??
Also kinda makes this Article funny to read, after loosing every from being programmed to lie he pretended to stop lying only to continue and get caught again:)
Honestly, it's what free market is designed to do. His demo is working class and is more price sensitive. He had to source the product in a way that got it to market at a price they would be willing to pay, with margins enough to allow him to afford some gaudy cars and houses that this dudes presumably massive alpha personality requires to feel fulfilled.
I’m not insecure, I’m just showing the other side of the spectrum since everyone tends to just ignore it like nothing ridiculous is going on.

I’m very secure in my beliefs and standards and I’m tired of being ridiculed for pointing out the obvious insanity around us. I could gas light you back and say you’re insecure by trying to make fun of a dude in a flag onesie. Show me on this doll where he hurt you. 🤷🏻‍♂️
It's ridiculous to you. Just because it's ridiculous to you, doesn't mean that's the end of it and everyone else must now find it ridiculous.

I've never ridiculed you, or resorted to name calling. I'm sorry the way I've presented my opinions makes you feel assaulted, but that's not gas lighting. (or am I gas lighting you about has lighting you? ;))

I guess it is wrong for me to make fun of him while also preaching about tolerance, but I don't know that I'm insecure because of it. I'm not afraid or threatened of/by him. I make fun of all of those alpha dorks simply because I find their masquerade so contrived. I would make fun of him in his presence too. I also make fun of some of my gay friends when they are acting particularly/obnoxiously flamboyant. I think most people that know me can vouch for that.

It's also wrong for me to presume a person's seemingly universal fear/hate/distrust of another group, just because they disagree or don't understand them, comes from insecurity. When I personally feel that way about something, it's almost always because of some insecurities inside myself, but I'm not you and I'm not a psychologist. So I apologize for that.
Based on the FTC best he could have put "Made in U.S. from Imported Parts" or "Assembled in U.S.A." based on the guidelines, but really "Branded in the U.S.A" at best is what they could have put, imo. Greedy douche making a killing off 2A and Made in USA. Working class at an average of $35 a shirt, seems spendy but I am cheap.
The guy is an arrogant tool for sure. I am ashamed that early on I bought a couple hats from his company, but have since got rid of them. Their marketing, (if that is what you call it, or lack thereof) the arrogance he and the people that buy his product and drink his kool aid portrays, the lying of made in the USA when it is made in China, made the decision even easier to remove myself from anything he does. He still owes a lot of people money from what I hear, one being a local gun group for a custom made giveaway gun. He comes off as being hot shit, when really he is just shit.