Making a bike fit

I have a picture of my perfect bike, but it's top secret! Most of you probably wouldn't like it, but if any of you stole my idea I'd hate it! I'll likely just make the frame myself.
I had a 400t in high school, cool little bike, should have kept it. I was 6'1" and it was comfy?
Ok how about this? I can take that off your hands for some drink of your choice and I'll even pick it up.

Umm, ok. Macallan 1947, but you've got to pick it up.

Those seats look HORRIBLE! I have a big, fancy seat on my 990 and even it sucks after an hour of riding... the seats on those bikes are for looks, I couldn't imagine riding on one of those bikes for any amount of time.

See Kevin, ^this is what I was talking about, suspension and a nice seat are manditory^

I believe you, most of those seats look like about five kinds of pain. I think I can sneak a rear suspension under a bobber without messing up the look if I do it right?
I think I can sneak a rear suspension under a bobber without messing up the look if I do it right?

I would be surprised if you make it look good. IMO anything other than a clean hardtail looks scabbed on a chopper/bobber conversion. If you want suspension why not go flat/dirt tracker or café racer style?

Here's another one, I had to look twice to make sure it wasn't the same bike. I absolutely love this style, and if I don't do it with this bike I might have to do it with something else.


You could totally do that kev. I dig the street tracker look the most. I'd like to build a SR500 street tracker and do a road trip to the swell on it. something like this:



Dangit Kevin, you're not helping me keep my vehicles to a minimum...

Old school Evil Knivel!!!