Man Laws


Well-Known Member
I came along a website called

Man Cave Laws

No man shall ever turn down free beer... for any reason. Never. Ever. Seriously, Never.

Grilling, regardless of weather, is always the first choice for cooking.

Hiding your beer in the fridge is strictly forbidden. Besides...sharing is caring.

A man should never be denied the right to adjust himself or place his hands down his pants under any circumstances.

A man should never tell another man that his zipper is down. It's his own damn problem and you never looked "there" to begin with.

A man may be seen tearing up only when:
A. His first child is born (and it's a boy),
B. he has received a devastating blow to the groin,
C. Carmen Electra is unbuttoning her shirt...scratch that, your shirt.

While at a sporting event, you must walk "B to F" (BUTT TO FACE) when leaving your seat. This is so you do not miss any of the cheerleaders' performance (since you obviously never get up to pee while the ball is in play).

No man shall ever cancel plans with his buddies at the last minute. Exceptions: You win free tickets to the Super Bowl, Carmen Electra is unbuttoning your shirt, or in cases of death (your own).

If you are placed on the Jumbotron at a sporting event, you are to offer a simple wave or raise of your glass. Acting like an idiot is strictly forbidden. A man should act like Barry Sanders... you've been there before and will be there again - show some class. Exception: You have more body paint on than clothing. In that case - go for it.

A man is permitted to build his "Man Cave" in anyway he wishes. However NO "Man Cave" shall ever include: A fridge incapable of holding a case of beer, "Fat Free" potato chips, and any variation of the color pink.

A man purse is still a purse.