Meat, I found a use for your donkeys!


Formerly WJ ZUK
I saw Tacoma and donkeys and that wasn't what I was expecting:ugh: Looks fun for about 5 minutes though;)


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
You guys all SUCK. Except Tara. Uh.... wait. This isn't going well.

Meat has donkeys. I have spare parts. I also know Amish ways LOL so I think we could get a killer donkey drifter going between the two of us, and it would RAWK so hard that your eyes would swell shut and bleed! That's a Haaawwwwwwwrrrrrd Rawkin'.

Haters beware. I'd even let that blind drunk bastard, Keeeeeeel weld on it. :D :cody:

Bryson not invited though: I'm not sure there's a decent Japanese translation for "retarded apple cart donkeywheel".

Hmm. If there is, tell me. I bet it's a swweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet word.
Funny stuff! I'm afraid the haters are missing a critical element here that really lends to the hilariousness of this proposal. While the act of donkey drifting is amusing in and of itself, the real party would be watching MEAT doing this. Could we make him wear a cool amish hat as well?

I can't lie, I'm giggling just picturing this...:D


Formerly WJ ZUK
The amish don't weld you have to glue and bailing wire it to stay true to donkey cart drifting ways:rolleyes:


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
School me.

Who invented the word "britchen". ?

EDIT: I just remembered a dictionary that comes with a magnifying lens that has like, EVERY definition of a word, I will look there. Also, I am genuinely curious, not *just* giving you shite. :D

Merry Christmas!
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Sometimes known as "breeching"

It keeps the saddle (or plow or wagon) from riding up on the critter. They are used on draft horses and mules mostly, and to a far lesser extent riding horses. Draft horses and mules need them because their backs are very flat where as riding horses have withers to hold the saddle. If you are descending hills that are way steeper than most people think you can ride a horse it's a good idea to use a britchen on a horse as well.

I don't know who came up with the word or when, but I know that it's older than the Amish.

Click on the picture if you want to read some more.
