I need to find out how much steel is needed.
12 inches long.
12 inches tall.
3 inches wide.
This is going to sit on top of a 3" wide rail and support 200,000lbs. (I have already calculated for the 2x safety factor.)
I'm thinking a chunk of 12"x3" box tubing, 12" long laying on top of the rail. What wall thickness would be needed? Do the ends need capped? What thickness on the cap? Or just skip it all and use a solid block?
or stacked boxes with plates sides and capped ends?
Looking for a strength versus weight versus available material. These do need moved by hand.
12 inches long.
12 inches tall.
3 inches wide.
This is going to sit on top of a 3" wide rail and support 200,000lbs. (I have already calculated for the 2x safety factor.)
I'm thinking a chunk of 12"x3" box tubing, 12" long laying on top of the rail. What wall thickness would be needed? Do the ends need capped? What thickness on the cap? Or just skip it all and use a solid block?
or stacked boxes with plates sides and capped ends?
Looking for a strength versus weight versus available material. These do need moved by hand.