Moab RMP out this Friday!


Registered User
I spoke with the Moab Field Office of the BLM, and the Draft RMP (resource management plan) will be released on Friday. This document will basically dictate how the public lands around Moab will be managed for the next 15-20 years, including which routes will be CLOSED to jeeps and orvs. Rumor has it, that thenks to SUWA and gang green, that many popular trails are being proposed for CLOSURE under the new plan. Arrghhhh!!!!!!

To add insult to injury, I asked if they would send me a copy of the RMP so that I could read it and make comments, and they flat out said NO! Paper copies will not be available to the public. CD's of the document will be available in the Moab office for those of you in the neighborhood. But for the most part, they are expecting people to view the document online. And there will only be 90 days comment. What a bunch of BS!

This is ridiculous! how can they expect us to wade through this immense document (I'm talking phone book size) and find what we need to make comments, online? That's crazy! And what if you don't have high speed internet? Or don't own a computer? It's a total scam! SUWA and BLM don't want the public to see it so they can hurry and close a bunch of routes without anybody knowing!!!!!


somewhat damaged
If anybody can get a copy of this CD I will host it here on RME for everybody to read.

PM me if you have access to this.


Registered User
THey wouldn't send me a CD either. Someone in Moab will have to pick one up at the office on Friday or after.

It's going to be a HUGE document, are you sure RME is capable of hosting it?


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
This is ridiculous! how can they expect us to wade through this immense document (I'm talking phone book size) and find what we need to make comments, online? That's crazy! And what if you don't have high speed internet? Or don't own a computer? It's a total scam! SUWA and BLM don't want the public to see it so they can hurry and close a bunch of routes without anybody knowing!!!!!

Here, try this out...

Between myself and Grand Slam West (an event I help organize) I've sent in over $500 to this fund.


Salt Lake
wayfarer, didn't you say that they expect people to view the document online? What is the web address? And I can see many reasons to host it online only rather than print many copies: cost. I would personally rather spend my own money to download it and print it out myself if I so choose rather than have them spend $$$ printing a bunch out and mailing them. There are better ways to use that money. We live in 2007 and if you are an RME member than I am going to assume that you have the capabilities and know how to download it and print it yourself. I personally will read it online during my lunch breaks. Then I can have a window of Word open at the same time and take my notes there. If for some reason it is not available online I am heading down over Labor Day weekend and will pick up a copy and mail it to Greg or whoever to post it on here.


Registered User
1993yj We live in 2007 and if you are an RME member than I am going to assume that you have the capabilities and know how to download it and print it yourself. I personally will read it online during my lunch breaks. Then I can have a window of Word open at the same time and take my notes there. If for some reason it is not available online I am heading down over Labor Day weekend and will pick up a copy and mail it to Greg or whoever to post it on here.[/QUOTE said:
When I called they gave me the name of the printer and told me it would be $80 to have one printed. It's probably 6-800 pages. Even at Kinkos it's still a lump of dough.

I'm sure some people will have no problem going through it online, but I wouldn't last 10 minutes. I want a hard copy. It just seems like BLM is deliberately trying to make it difficult, or keep people from seeing the thing. Maybe I'm wrong.
Quick update. Copies of the DRMP are being printed now, and BLM staff are working on getting everything linked on the website so that both printed and electronic copies will be available at the same time. The official release date is 8/31, but it may be available sooner. However, sounds like it won't be available tomorrow.


Registered User
Quick update. Copies of the DRMP are being printed now, and BLM staff are working on getting everything linked on the website so that both printed and electronic copies will be available at the same time. The official release date is 8/31, but it may be available sooner. However, sounds like it won't be available tomorrow.

Thanks for the update.
They had planned to have it out 8/24, but sounds like the logistics problems of printing and getting it online moved it back a little. According to SUWA, interested parties can obtain printed copies from the publisher for $80.


Who Dares Wins
Everyone needs to take a look at this. It's a huge document, nearly 1,000 pages, but if you truly care about your access you need to put down that copy of 4-Wheel Drive and Sport Utility for the next couple weeks and drag yourself through this.
This single document will effect the way we recreate for the next 15-20 years. The line in the sand is being drawn here and now, its time to take action or lose it all.
I've just begun reading it, I will post a detailed analysis when I'm done (plan on a couple weeks).


Registered User
Logan, Utah
Did anyone go to the other meetings?

Grand Center 182 North 500 West Moab, UT Tuesday, September 25, 2007 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Monticello High School 164 South 200 West, Monticello, UT Wednesday, September 26, 2007 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

2 Rivers Convention Center 159 Main Street, Grand Junction, CO Thursday, September 27, 2007 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Salt Lake City Main Public Library 210 East 400 South, Salt Lake City, UT Wednesday, October 3, 2007 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
