Moab RMP Scoping meeting


Jager Abuser
by the U
The meeting was a good time and it was nice to see the 4wd crowd represented so well. I went into it expecting to see a catfight between the 4wd crew and the environmentalists. I felt that the layout of the meeting was done well and that our opinions and ideas were well recieved and will make a difference in the long run. Im looking forward to the followup meetings on these issues. Good to see all those that showed and hopefully we can see more in the future.


I run a tight ship... wreck
JJJZJ said:
The meeting was a good time and it was nice to see the 4wd crowd represented so well. I went into it expecting to see a catfight between the 4wd crew and the environmentalists. I felt that the layout of the meeting was done well and that our opinions and ideas were well recieved and will make a difference in the long run. Im looking forward to the followup meetings on these issues. Good to see all those that showed and hopefully we can see more in the future.

Jon, were you the guy with the blue hoodie and baseball cap, covering the Fro hair?


Sandy, Ut
I have some excellent speaking points and writing tips that Brian Hawthorne emailed me yesterday. They addresss each issue of the RMP and give great ideas for why, etc... If you can, wait until I post it on my website... take a minute to read it and them forward your message to the BLM. Any letters are good, but educated ones are the best....

Here is the page:

It isn't online yet but will be by this afternoon.... :D

Pass this everywhere... it will have alot of great info...


Jager Abuser
by the U
Greg said:
Gotcha, had I have known I would have said Hey.

yah, brett pointed you out right at the end of the meeting, or else i woulda came up and chatted. Im gunna shoot to be at the canned food drive saturday and will see you there if youre going.


I run a tight ship... wreck
JJJZJ said:
yah, brett pointed you out right at the end of the meeting, or else i woulda came up and chatted. Im gunna shoot to be at the canned food drive saturday and will see you there if youre going.

Cool, I'm not sure if I'll be there, but I'm going to try.


I run a tight ship... wreck
I finally sent off my comments to the BLM. I'm not English major, so don't laugh too hard. Also, feel free to draw your ideas from this, but don't copy! It's copyrighted... :rofl:


I'm pro-motorized recreation on our BLM Managed Lands. From 4x4's to motorcycles, I visit the public lands very often & enjoy the chance I have to take my family out into the desert. I have also done my fair share of hiking in Moab and other areas of Southern Utah.

I think the BLM should...

- Provide further education, by way of training or certifying members of user groups (4x4 Clubs, ATV Groups, Mtn Bikers, any mechanized-travel organizations etc), so they may in turn, be allowed to educate their fellow users. Education should cover things such as proper & improper land use, results of damage caused, being pro-active in kindly correcting offenders, organizing cleanups & trail repair with the BLM's blessing and maintaining the land so that future generations will have the same sights that we currently have.

- NOT allow any more Wilderness. How many millions of acres are wilderness in Utah? More than enough, especially if you have to cover them all on foot. I understand the logic that the pro-wilderness crowd seeks solace in these areas. I too, seek the same. My solace & quiet time happens when I turn off the vehicle. Also, the journey IS the destination! Weather you be on foot or in a vehicle, we're seeking the same feelings.

- Provide better signage of Trails. In order for rules to be followed, everyone on these trails needs to know the rules. I recently heard of spray paint used to close a bypass on a trail in Moab. Spray Paint on rocks? That looks like some nature-freak decided to take things into his own hands! Proper signs are a huge need. This also relates to my first point about educating the users.

- Build contacts within the Groups who use the land. Select one person from each group who can pass on information to their fellow users. Also, there's alot of man-power that can be used for BLM Projects. I represent over 1000 members of a Utah Offroad forum and we have participated in projects involving: Planting Trees, Placing fire rings, blocking un-nessacary bypasses, cleaning up garbage, removing junked cars, placing BLM signs, etc. The BLM needs to HARNESS the power volunteers have!

- Continue to seek feedback from all users. I appreciate the chance to share my thoughts & ideas. It also gives me more respect for the Land Management, since I have been allowed to voice my opinion.

Thank you very much,

- Greg Gardner

Moab Beauty

Who said that?
I think the BLM should...

- Provide further education, by way of training or certifying members of user groups (4x4 Clubs, ATV Groups, Mtn Bikers, any mechanized-travel organizations etc), so they may in turn, be allowed to educate their fellow users. Education should cover things such as proper & improper land use, results of damage caused, being pro-active in kindly correcting offenders, organizing cleanups & trail repair with the BLM's blessing and maintaining the land so that future generations will have the same sights that we currently have.
- Greg Gardner

God Greg just a little side note sweetheart.... I wanted to let you know that you ROCK!!!!! Everything that you have said it you letter are great suggestions, and it really doesn't matter if your not an English Major!!! I think that English class really sucked anyways. On another side note, I want to apologize for not being at the meeting last night. I had some unexcepted things happen. But I would still like to be updated as when there will be another one, and about everything that is going one. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!


somewhat damaged
Nice Greg! I believe that we think a lot alike. :D My letter touched on the exact same bases as yours. Well written. :cool:


Did anyone recieve the letter from the nice lady at Walkers gas station..
Same thing i thought it was cool of her though..

I gave Shawn a copy and I told that lady to hand them out all day to anyone with a rig...
Can you imagine if they closed Moab rim, Poison Spider and Steel bender..

Get off your asses..

Bye the way How about we have another rock crawl out there.... :(
Dumbasses!!! :mad:


Registered User
Great Letter Greg. I will fire one off myself. I know too many Wildnerness people that want to shut us out of everything. But they inturn will go into the areas and trash them. With groups like this looking out for each other and policing ourselves we'll have a fighting chance.

Lets go folks let your voices be heard or lose what you LOVE!!!!

Stacy Salmans


Sandy, Ut
:cool: Screw those clowns! Man, 5 yrs ago... wow.

Thats what I'm saying. This was a six year process start to finish and they call that rushed. I just don't get it.

I don't like everything that happened in the RMP, but overall I think the OHV community made its voice heard and the results showed just that.