Moab SITLA Land Auction Results 5/14/04


somewhat damaged
oldno7 said:
we fully intend on making more trails on the property, but we will approach it slowly! This is too nice of property to phawk up. Look for maybe 1 or 2 a year for awhile,just keep in mind when we come up with a trail it will be badass++

I think that's a great idea. I hope everybody (visitors) realizes that the property still needs to be respected too. It is way nice out there. :cool:


Registered User
Congratulations on the purchase of the parcel of land. I would like to extend a offer of any such service project you may need at the land site that maybe our club could assist you on. Just let us know.

Johnny Lange - Wild Yoats


Sandy, UT
I hope you guys build trails right on the property line with that tree hugging freak that has caused all these problems. We want as much dust and noise as possible going in her direction! You can call that trail the "bitch" trail, named after her!!



formerly "rckcrlr"
EZRhino said:
I hope you guys build trails right on the property line with that tree hugging freak that has caused all these problems. We want as much dust and noise as possible going in her direction! You can call that trail the "bitch" trail, named after her!!


I am hoping the go-fast prerunner road will be right along her property line!! :D


Registered User
thanks for the offers of support guys,I know there sincere.
I think we may have destroyed the green bitch's wilderness retreat idea,we have talked about making her an offer to "get the phawk out of dodge" not sure she will sell but who knows.
It's easy to get caught up in arguements with the so called enviro's ,but arguments are best left to lawyers. Much better to just kick-em in the balls when their down and I think we just did. :D


aka. Hollywood
I had the oportunity of going on the first part of one of the new trails, I'm predicting it to be the hardest on the west coast. Maybe someone will post some pics.
