South-East Utah Moab with JP magazine trail ride in October

So it seems to me that its less than likely this will happen. We are going anyway - seems like there are going to be quite a few folks down there from here (unless several were only going for the chance to be famous :-)

For plan "B" What trails are you guys doing? What days?

We will have 3 jeeps with my group - but woudn't mind meeting up.

So it seems to me that its less than likely this will happen. We are going anyway - seems like there are going to be quite a few folks down there from here (unless several were only going for the chance to be famous :-)

For plan "B" What trails are you guys doing? What days?

We will have 3 jeeps with my group - but woudn't mind meeting up.


We'll be ready for a trail about 9:00ish Thurs. morning.
Still going for sure. My jeep isn't jeep enough for JP anyways.
I'll be ready for a trail ~9:00ish Friday morning. Maybe slightly later depending on who's with me.

I do plan on spending a bit more time in AreaBFE Saturday or Sunday. I need to gather more intel for the android trail guide app I'm building for out there.
We are so close to Moab time! I'm dying to go already. I finished putting a Tera long arm on my friends jeep yesterday. Now I need to finish getting my jeep ready.
Half marathon or something. Silly runner types :)
Those are silly types. I can't imagine anyone would want to do that.
Braden & Marc - What are your schedules looking like this weekend?
I have Thursday through Sunday off. I'm planning to go somewhere, and it'll be Moab if I can get a hotel for a reasonable price. If not, we'll be headed somewhere else. No plans beyond that.
Braden & Marc - What are your schedules looking like this weekend?

no schedule that I know of. Give me a shout. At worst, we should hit the brewery or diner together. You could talk me into a BFE day or two.

Those are silly types. I can't imagine anyone would want to do that.

I have Thursday through Sunday off. I'm planning to go somewhere, and it'll be Moab if I can get a hotel for a reasonable price. If not, we'll be headed somewhere else. No plans beyond that.

I've never liked to run unless I was following a ball or something. Hats off to those that do.

i couldn't get a room so I just reserved a tent site at Pack creek campground. RTT in the Dodge. Should be ok as there are showers and I can drive my Jeep wherever.

I'm hoping to just show up and get a room. I have a big project at work and it's hard to predict what will happen. Pretty sure now that I'll be able to go down Thursday though. Guess I ought to start looking for a room.

i don't know that you'll find one but good luck!
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OK Good News! I got conformation from JP Magazine. They will be there for Friday and Saturday. So far the plan is Hells Revenge on Friday meeting at the trail head at 09:00 and then having some fun. Saturday we will meet at Posion Spyder at 09:00 and then Saturday late afternoon we will play around on Potato Salad. Thursday and Sunday ther are no plans, so you can do what ever on those days. I will get there Wednesday night and we are staying at my buddys campground Pack Creek Campground. Swing by to say hi if you like.

Here is my number if you need to get hold of me in Moab 1-900-trouble kidding.....801-821-1871