More SUWA press---


Sandy, Ut
Polls and statistics

When I saw the first “dummies” book, I wondered who would buy a book that called them a dummy. When I saw the “truth” billboards I thought, “Right, and which three people did you ask?”
Now I read about a survey by the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (Tribune, July 14) that shows most of the riders of OHVs think they need more restrictions and fewer places to ride. Right. And SUWA is the first place I would go to get my facts on what the 4x4 guys were thinking. The Bureau of Land Management and other public land managers are doing their jobs. Let them.
Anyone can prove anything with polls and statistics, just ask Dan Jones and Associates. Take a deep breath and play nice.

Cheryl Cope
Salt Lake City

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
cruiseroutfit said:
Polls and statistics

When I saw the first “dummies” book, I wondered who would buy a book that called them a dummy. When I saw the “truth” billboards I thought, “Right, and which three people did you ask?”
Now I read about a survey by the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (Tribune, July 14) that shows most of the riders of OHVs think they need more restrictions and fewer places to ride. Right. And SUWA is the first place I would go to get my facts on what the 4x4 guys were thinking. The Bureau of Land Management and other public land managers are doing their jobs. Let them.
Anyone can prove anything with polls and statistics, just ask Dan Jones and Associates. Take a deep breath and play nice.

Cheryl Cope
Salt Lake City

Anyone know Cheryl? Great letter!


Lobbyist \ Consultant
DrMoab said:
As for the SUWA BS...I think we should get our own pollsters out there...I am so sick of seeing everybody complain about the tactics they pull and yet to date I have not seen a single organizing group...I.E USA-ALL, U4, BlueRibbon get together their own people to fight fire with fire...Its the only way in this stupid F'ed up world we live in to get anything done.

I just wanted to second Kurt’s reply on this comment. Many, many, many of you don’t understand the financial realties of running an organization like ours or like SUWA. They have multi million dollar budget. We don’t. So we make that money stretch and do things it really shouldn’t be able to do. Someone made the comment how passionate wheelers are. Yes they are those of you reading this especially, but many are full of ideas and opinions but talk doesn’t pay the bills. If it did we would be way better off than SUWA. Also it should be noted that a few years ago USA-ALL also did a poll although it wasn’t exactly the same it reflected what we al know to be true, and that is there are allot of motorized recreationists that support multiple use. Why USA-ALL didn’t directly challenge the poll...the Trib only allows 1 editorial per month from us, we had used our turn the week before. Why we didn’t get quoted in the paper...sore subject. The reporter called us late in the evening at our office number the night before the story ran, so we didn’t have a chance. Lastly it has already been mentioned, but SUWA owns the poll they wrote it and true to form they will not release the questions or all the results to all the questions. Although size of the poll does not need to be large to accurately represent the public, an appropriate cross section of the public needs to be done to give the poll any credibility, we don’t know if that was done, but we are skeptical. Also polls are very subjective, we could make a poll that showed a majority of Utahns thought the sky is red and that they wished they had voted for John Kerry last election if we really wanted to. so we place no stock in the poll results, however the opportunity to get press and further brainwash the ignorant public was a score for SUWA.

Any one that would like to fund a poll to counter this one should call our office. If we get enough money we would be glad to conduct one of our own, only we will release all the results and all the questions because we have nothing to hide.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
utahmike said:
................Any one that would like to fund a poll to counter this one should call our office. If we get enough money we would be glad to conduct one of our own, only we will release all the results and all the questions because we have nothing to hide.

Mike, what's something like that cost?