Morning coyote stand - best on phone


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And the rest of the story...

Frosty, early morning stand from a couple days ago.

Me on the rifle, my 6/284 with 55 B-tips, my buddy Tim running a camera. All these pics are just frame grabs from the video he shot.


First real cold, real sticking snow of the year. First stand of the morning. Playing jackrabbit. About two minutes in, this one comes streaking in from behind us to my right. Went right to the caller, crossed up with our scent and kept on trucking for distant lands.

YoY female, she messed up and stopped for one last, longing look at the caller, about 85 yards out from me. Pop!


Let the caller play for another 10-12 minutes with nothing. Threw out a couple Lone Howls from the Foxpro. Noticed some magpies fussing on the ridgetop 150 yards away. Moved my rifle over to cover that spot.


And... Nothing... Magpies flew away after a minute. Ready to call it off and go gather my coyote. And Tim spots a coyote right where the magpies had been.


Pop! An adult female.


The first one, the YoY.


She had a nasty wound on her knee. Not from me...


And the hero shot with both of them lol!


Too much fun!
