My yellow top stinks


Fight Till You Die
So I have an optima yellow top (not the new one I bought from you wayne)that I was having trouble getting to hold a charge and thought it was dead. So i put it in my work van and used it for several days and had no problem. Then my bro. got on my van and said it stunk really bad and about an hour later my eyes were watering from the sulphur smell and I realized it was the battery. It still works well but why does it stink soo bad.


Just me
I don't know the answer to your question, but I had a red top blow the vents, got REALLY hot and started smelling bad, and then died.
That is all.

Mead, WA
So I have an optima yellow top (not the new one I bought from you wayne)that I was having trouble getting to hold a charge and thought it was dead. So i put it in my work van and used it for several days and had no problem. Then my bro. got on my van and said it stunk really bad and about an hour later my eyes were watering from the sulphur smell and I realized it was the battery. It still works well but why does it stink soo bad.

Oh good! My first thought was 'why didn't he PM or call before posting this!' lol

It might be shorted, either internally or externally. I'd pull the cables and see if that helps. If not, you have a junk battery.

Optima raised the price on them, too.. I absorbed the increase because I sold it to you at x amount a few days before I delivered it to you (I actually bought it at the new price). Now they are $175 shipped.