So I have the 1977 Eldorado Calipers in the rear, I bought new ones from one of the places that sells new ones.
My experience hasn't been good, I typically say that I can get the parking brake working well enough every year to pass inspection and other than that I usually don't have much of a parking brake. There is a reason that GM only made these calipers a few years, and that newer big vehicles still use a drum style parking brake (drum in hat)
Last time I had to take my grinder to the brake pads so I could get one more turn on the arm. (it has a hex fitting on it)
I got motivated to mess with it again, I read the adjusting directions for the 100th time.
So I got looking at it and the parking brake arm would travel almost all the way before it would start to engage the brake rotor.
(spring removed, I am guessing that the spring was fully collapsed at this point.)
So I made a new little bracket so the parking brake cable housing is further back from the arm
The rest of my system is actually pretty good. I should get some cables made, if you remember I made my cables by cutting them to length and crimping the pea on the end and hitting it with some 6011 rod. They have held but should be replaced. If anyone knows of a place that makes parking brake cables I would love to know of one that is local. (I found a couple places online, since I have functioning cables I could send them in and the could copy mine)
When I test fitted them before I painted the new brackets it was still a hard pull on the handle but I had plenty of range and it seems ok. I didn't try it on a hill or anything, just set the parking brake and let the clutch out.
Ok so here is the DIY bracket installed with the parking brake released.
Here is a picture of the parking brake engaged and actually holds the vehicle really well, notice the spring is not totally collapsed. Really well I set the brake gave it some gas and let the clutch out and it stalled!
So at this moment the parking brake works better than it ever has. Realistically my brackets could probably be shorter than they are. Everything is adjusted well, I have adjustment going both ways on the Y thing that the cables come together on.
(I know someone will claim I don't have them adjusted correctly, if so please come over and adjust them I really did read everything I could on them)
*A couple weeks later the parking brake still works better than it ever has with the Eldo Calipers*
*a couple months later the parking brake still works better than ever!*
*18 months later I ended up going back to the stock bracket and grinding the arm a bit, see post #314*