National Public Lands Day, Sept. 30th @ 5 Mile Pass


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
It's that time of the year again, National Public Lands Day is a month away, on September 30th.

Time to make plans! This year the organizers of NPLD are really trying to get people to make a big turnout for the event, they'd love to have a great number of people to show the public that we, the offroad community of Utah, care about our public lands & trails. They've set an enormous goal for National Public Lands Day this year: get 100,000 volunteers to 1,000 partner sites. Achieving this goal will make a dramatic statement about the public’s concern for safeguarding and improving our public lands in an era of unparalleled use, and get a new generation back to the outdoors.

In the past years the members of RME have worked with the BLM to cleanup the 5 Mile Pass area, but this year is a diffrent story. The BLM doesn't have enough funds to organize a cleanup, so we're going to handle this one solo. I could use all the help I can get on this one, if you're up to the challenge just say so!

We're looking for 50 people from RME to help with the cleanup at 5 Mile Pass. We'll be working to cleanup the popular trails out there, Rattlesnake & Constrictor, as well as cleaning up the parking areas & other ATV trails. I'd really like to have a BBQ at the end of the day, so if you can help with that part, post up!

Also, the U4WDA is working on a cleanup of American Fork Canyon on the same day. I'd like to have another 20 people from RME involved at that site. Look for more info about the AF Canyon cleanup soon.


9:00 AM - Meet at the main 5 Mile Pass parking area, (not the parking are for the Snake trails). Collect garbage bags, seperate into groups & head out to diffrent locations of 5 Mile Pass.

12:30 AM - Return to the main 5 Mile Pass parking area to dump trash & eat lunch.

1:30 PM - If we're done with the cleanup, we'll head out for some fun trail time!

There will be a BBQ provided! Bring your own hot dogs or hamburgers & needed supplies & eat a yummy, warm lunch! I'll bring some sodas.

Remember to wear pants, good shoes & bring gloves! We'll be working hard folks!
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Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
As an added bonus the U4WDA will have free t-shirts for everyone that participates in the NPLD event! Come join us & get a free shirt. :D


Formerly Beardy McGee
TTORA can most likely spare some guys to the 5 Mile Pass Area... when i get a better count of who is willing to show up from TTORA over all, i'll let you know if any can come your way...



Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
richpblaze said:
And volunteer to cook. How about burgers and dogs. We could have everyone bring stuf.:greg: :greg:

That'd work Rich!! You're a great cook... you have a BBQ that's pretty portable? (Happy B-Day BTW! ;) )


I will come....just remind me as it gets closer to that day so I can take that day off ;) Might be a good day to test out my brand spanken new mud flaps! :greg:


Formerly WJ ZUK
So will we be constructing bypass blockers etc on this cleanup? Moving rocks, buckboard fences etc. whats the plan? Will a dumpster be provided?


Make RME Rockcrawling Again!
SAMI said:
TTORA can most likely spare some guys to the 5 Mile Pass Area... when i get a better count of who is willing to show up from TTORA over all, i'll let you know if any can come your way...


Sounds great to me!

Brett said:
I will come....just remind me as it gets closer to that day so I can take that day off ;) Might be a good day to test out my brand spanken new mud flaps! :greg:

Do it!

WJ ZUK said:
So will we be constructing bypass blockers etc on this cleanup? Moving rocks, buckboard fences etc. whats the plan? Will a dumpster be provided?

We'll be focusing on cleanup... making the area look more natural. No fencing in the works yet, still waiting on the go-ahead from the BLM for the big stuff & funding for such materials from them. A dumpster is in the works.

Meat_ said:
There are a TON of new rocks stacked at the bottom of the nest

Sounds 'un-natural' then, eh? ;)

Kris K said:
Is there going to be time for wheeling? If everything goes right I mit have my Samurai ready enough to try out?

Yep, we will be wheelin after the cleanup. The plan is to start at 9 am, at the main parking lot. We'll divide up into 3-4 groups & head out to specific areas that need work, gather up all the garbage we can & meet back around 12:30 - 1:00 for lunch. After lunch there will be wheelin. :)
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Registered User
murray ut
well i didn't have to work friday so i went wheelin and did rattle snake i love this trail i noticed how clean it was i only picked up a little bit of trash no big deal i hope we can all keep it up i have gone four wheelin with a few of you guys before and your all good poeple so we have know worry's well happy trails to every one.
I'd love to help out. Problem is I have no idea where it is I am a newbie here will anyone be meeting up etc? Also I assume since the focus is on clean up a novice like me in my 73 Bronco can get there without having to have National Guard come bail me out with a CH53.

Can you post a list of stuff you may need besides big bags etc? I'll be there no worries as long as house hunting doesn't get in the way. We sorta need a place to live right? Someone look for a Viper Red 73 Bronco with a really confused, goofy big guy driving it throw something at me if I drive past where you are.


Sandy, Ut
Hope everyone is planning to make it out... As always the Five Mile Pass (Rattlesnake and Constrictor) areas need attention, the BLM knows of a couple of abandoned campers that they would love to get out of there.

This year is especially important as the BLM is right in the middle of a new management plan for the area. Our stewardship and goodwill in the area can go a looooooong ways in this planning.

Please make every effort to be there :cool:


I'd love to help out. Problem is I have no idea where it is I am a newbie here will anyone be meeting up etc? Also I assume since the focus is on clean up a novice like me in my 73 Bronco can get there without having to have National Guard come bail me out with a CH53.

Can you post a list of stuff you may need besides big bags etc? I'll be there no worries as long as house hunting doesn't get in the way. We sorta need a place to live right? Someone look for a Viper Red 73 Bronco with a really confused, goofy big guy driving it throw something at me if I drive past where you are.

You won't need anything other than trash bags. It's a easy area to get around on out there.

Where are you coming from and we can figure the easiest way for you to get there. :)
This is going to be a good way to show the SL Field Office that the users can and will help protect the area. A good showing at this event will go a long way to help keep Rattlesnake/Constrictor open on the upcoming travel plan.


I'll be there, can't make it until 11~12 though, I might be Blazerless :ugh: .... my tcase mount is a little detached atm :mad2:


ARBlackrifles, we usually meet at the Chevron at the redwood road 4 way (redwood road and Hwy 73). Meet us there and we will guide you in. Zuktah will be there.