need advice on noisy neighbors.

Lol awesome. Think that might drive the wife nuts also tho..

"Caleb" ear plugs and better insulation is hardly the answer (unless your willing to pay thousands of dollars to re insulate my house and shop?) seeing as how no one should half to put up with that and walk around everyday with ear protection from the neighbors music.

Would you like to do that everyday?

Doubt it, sorry to offend you, but that's life.
In my experience most Hispanics are a thoughtless inconsiderate people..To each other it's normal but to us turkeys that like living in our own bubbles and love our personal space.. it's not at all and it's not appreciated.

That's the problem with having so many nationalities living here..
what is normal for some people is offensive, inconsiderate, disgusting, whatever to the other and everyone screams racist or discrimination.

I work at a place where they love that diversity discount from the we have Russian, Asian, Hispanic, English, African, ect.
In my shop there was a guy from some part of Africa that never showered or brushed his teeth and had the most smelliest weird looking food you will have ever seen for lunch everyday but was a good guy and hard worker and when I talked to him about his B.O. he said back home they just didn't take baths cus they didn't have water like we do and growing up you had to save water and not waist it on things like cleaning yourself....gross right?
Well to him it's normal and we are weird and waist full (witch we are)

Mexicans treat each other as family and we don' last neighbors didn't see the problem having party's and people in my yard and always left there trash in my yard or me and the wife are in the "bedroom" and we see a few Mexicans in our back yard looking at us!
The worst was coming home and having 2 bouncy castles and a trampoline in my backyard cus there wasn't enough room in theirs and would always park in my driveway or on the street blocking the driveway..
pissed me off to the point of insanity and he was always calling me a uptight cracker. Lol guess I am,but still..

I don't have a problem with Mexicans and have some good buddy's and co workers that are Hispanic, just apparently can't stand living next em most of the time lol

Dont mean to offend anyone...I'm just a uptight whitey lol
I would like to have a good relationship with my neighbors but they have made it clear they don't want too.
I sent you the owner's name and mailing address according to SL County. It sounds like it's a different owner than the occupant so hopefully they'll step-up
My only advice is that before you go the code enforcement route you read the code yourself and make sure you're in compliance of all of it. A former co-worker who worked graves called a few times on a day time noisy neighbor. The noise was taken care of but he also got a few cites for unregistered cars in his driveway and for having a dirt rv pad.

I think that the west jordan code doesn't allow for any project vehicles at a residence for longer than 72 hours regardless of whether they are behind a fence or in a garage.
I felt your pain once. I had neighbors who happened to be our town's "best" death metal band. They liked to play all day.....and all night. It's amazing how long drugs can keep you awake. I tried speaking with them, the cops came many times. I called the landlord, and the rental management company. No assistance. Then, I showed the landlord the damage they were doing to the house, the trash, the visitors, and the "assumption that Meth may be manufactured there" and they decided having to hazmat the house wasn't in their best interest. They finally evicted them. It sucked, it was crappy and I feel your pain.
It sounds like a really annoying situation, but be careful if you throw the rule book at anyone because it can come back to bite you. I'm sure my neighbors could complain about me welding at night, or grinding at 9PM, or having car parts in my backyard. Thankfully I have a good relationship with my neighbors and I check with them to make sure I'm not disturbing them.

Didn't the city once get involved when you had your bronco on jackstands? Sounds like you're on the other side of the fence now, but it sucks when someone calls the officials before chatting with you. I'd be ticked if my neighbors went straight to the city before talking to me about whatever is bothering them.
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Well I tried to go through the city and they won't do anything but send a cop over...

the woman I talked to said "get a bigger sound system"

they have been pretty good this hole week, only time it was cinda loud was when they had people over but at least there was a reason for it.

I have also come to the conclusion he dosnt work but I think his wife? Dose.

But we are keeping track when and how loud the music plays.
It seems to me that this problem can happen in any neighborhood or socioeconomic caste I have had bad neighbors on both extremes in the trailer park I had white trash drug dealers for neighbors. On the lake I had a multi millionaire alcoholic window peeker for a neighbor. Being mistreated by them sucks regardless of who or what they are. Good luck Mitch you know what they say F### it fight it it all stays the same. You do not really have any other Neighbors if my memory serves me. Perhaps you should get a big system and enjoy living in an anything goes zone. I have an 400 watt amp with the volume stuck on high you can have.
The city will do nothing and send the police. The police have more important things to do. Turning your stereo up will only cause a fight with results you might not like. The unfortunate reality is that the Latino community has a higher percentage of illegal aliens then reported by the INS. If attention is brought to your neighborhood, those that are illegal will move on. Our immigration system in the US is very broken. This is an unfortunate side affect of the broken system and some times our only recourse is La Migra.