need help with school report


sugar house
so i was in history class and we were reading about activist people in the 60's and it talked about envionmentist and someone mentioned the sierra club and the suwa, well being the envionment lover/rock crawler i am, i tried to explain how they arent all they are cracked up to be, and how they want to close trails, and so on i made a few good points about how these organizations do an alright job of keeping the envionment clean but earths beauties shouldnt be only reserved for those who are in insanly good shape and those who are not or have dissableties are excluded from those wonders. i told him about all the 4wheel drive clubs that clean trails and help the enviontment , he told me that he hadnt ever really thought about it that way and wanted to hear more from a differant point of veiw and after class he told me to find out more infomation and if i gave a report hed give me extra credit

so what are some good ideas to include in my report?
i wanna hit the subject real good and maybe educate my classmates about the subject as well


Registered User
Great job!!!!

Key idea to me would be that land use and environmental protect are not exclusive. Many of us who use the land (wheeling, snowmobiles etc) love the land just as much as those who want to lock everyone out.

I am sure the major wheeling groups can get you the facts and details you need to back it up.

If you want to stir up a point or two, get facts on trails/roads being closed in wilderness study areas or the areas around the Grand Canyon north rim that Clinton used emergency acts to make as national monument to protect the wilderness that have been actively ranched and grazed for 100 years. Shows that use does not ruin the land
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andy d

come on, give me a hug.
west jordan,
you should try to contact the u4wda personally. Kurt, the president, is very knowledgable when it come to this type of info, and in my experience, he has always been very helpful.


Sandy, UT
SUWA and SC are nothing more than big time businesses that run under the guise of "saving the earth". If they were actually able to convert all the land into wilderness that they want, their job would be over and they would cease to exist. Most of SUWA's top staffers make six figure incomes. Do you think they are going to pass on all that money? Not a chance! They dupe the public into giving them money to "save the whales" and "protect the environment" (what a load of ****) while they do nothing of the sort. They use up OUR tax dollars in litigation and prevent the BLM, FS, etc. from doing their jobs. Why do you think that SUWA once started with only 3.1 million acres of wilderness quality land in this state and now they are up to 9.xx million acres? WTF, did this state suddenly grow a bunch of new land, or what? They constantly are telling everyone that the sky is falling and all the wilderness is being bulldozed, yet they seem to find more each year!! What hypocrisy!! Oooh...writing this gets my blood pressure up so I'd better bag it for now.


PS.....SUWA, **** you!!!!!
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sugar house
thank you all for all your sugestions. they are really great, keep them coming.
that kind of writing that gets the blood flowing is the kind i like, thanks ez. thanks for the sugestions andy d. ill be sure to talk to kurt, i owe him a visit anyways, and Houndoc, ill start googling wilderness study areas around the grand canyon as soon as im done writing this, thanks all, and keep it coming :D :D


Lobbyist \ Consultant
I'M PRETTY SURE WE MIGHT HAVE ONE OR TWO POINTS WE COULD HELP YOU illustrate...maybe 3 if we try real glad to help give us a call, or email.
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