Need some advice on failed skid test inspection for brakes

You need to call the DPS Safety Inspection Department and explain your problem. 801-965-4889. Then you can take that vehicle down to the DPS Safety Inspection headquarters out in research park on Admiral Byrd Road , they have their own safety inspector, and I'd expect he can cut through the red tape and pass your vehicle if it doesn't have a problem. I had a friend that owned another make of vehicle that had some quirk that it just always wouldn't pass for some reason. Last time I heard he was always taking it out to the official state inspectors, and they didn't give him any problems. Just an idea but you might look into it. I've found the safety inspections people are pretty helpful with problems like this and you will be going straight to the source.

Yeah, I used to have to take my old Cherokee to a place like that because it had an '88 motor in an '85 body, and they didn't make that engine for that body. I didn't know you could take any vehicle down there...I thought it had to be a modified rig. On the plus side, what you said earlier about selling brakes...the inspection joint I went to was one of those that doesn't have a mechanic waiting to rip you off. They only do inspections/emissions. So I don't think that part of it was bogus.
Getting ready to take my truck in for inspections.... any recommendations for shops that are trustworthy and don't use the skid test machine?

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I figured i would find the oldld thread to see if any places where named... a location would help wouldn't it, Salt lake.

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