Need some advice


Resident Thread Killer
I'm looking for a source for a piece to fix my motorcycle. My dog ran past my bike, and her tail ripped one of my turn signals right off. The part that broke is the stud that affixes the signal to the fender. Basically a piece of all thread, hollowed out for the wires to pass through. Not sure of the threads yet, but I'm assuming they are SAE. Any ideas who might carrysomething like this?


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
If the threads can be matched a piece of aluminum pipe nipple works great for that application. Actually, depending on how it mounts up, you can just use new nuts even if the threads aren't the same as the old ones. I've done that refreshing old original Lucas stuff on old Triumphs a couple of times.



Resident Thread Killer
Cool, thanks guys, some good ideas. I guess the first item of business i to see if I can get the broken piece out of the light itself...if I can, I can tap it out to whatever thread I need...Yeah, the dog survived...cant blame her for being a superdog...


Registered User
Thing that comes to my mind is the hollow all thread that they use for light fixtures. I think I've seen them in our local Ace Hardware store with their bolts and what not. Not sure if it'd be right but it's worth a shot.