New and improved New Member night run - March 11th (Updated)

dang wish I had a trailer or even not such a big spare tire taking up the inside of my sami or I would get some of it. got my diff flange on and im almost ready for tonight all I need is a castlenut on my steering, anyone know where I can get one? or does anyone have a bunch of them and would meet up with me tonight and put one on? I just have a clip holding it for now.

If anyone knows of any wood in the riverton, herriman area i can pick it up. I do not get off work until five then i have to run back to herriman to change. So if their is anything along the way im happy to throw it in the back of my tuck.
ill see if i can grab a few pallets for tonight

unfortunately pallets won't work since they leave nails behind. I went to snakes once, and ran over a ton of nails in the parking lot because someone had burned some pallets there previously. Fortunately none of them punctured my tire, but it took me a good 5 minutes to pick up all the nails.
I just finished a lot of repair work on my Taco, and would like to come on this trip tonight. Is it too late to RSVP (depending if my girl and some people we have coming to town want to go?)

My plan would be to catch the group at the trailhead - 8pm.
Cool! I would really like to make this trip and meet a bunch of you. I am new to the forums / group but an experienced driver. If I can make it out I would like to run both sections of the trail. Will post up tonight if its a go.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I am driving a Tacoma on 33's
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WOW, I'm new (just got a jeep again after 5 years) I wish I could come but have plans to get new tires tonight and hag out with the wife. But I am excited to come to some of these. How often do you do this stuff?
You're just up the street from me.

this is the first one, we've never done this in the past. This one is kind of a test to see if it's worth continuing.

You should bring your wife and your new tires :)
Im looking forward to tonight!!!!!

Got the lights hooked up. Havent done a relay and a switch yet so i have to hook it right at the battery so once there on, there on till i get out and unhook them
