New Christpher Guest Movie


Suddenly Enthusiastic
I know there are a few Christopher Guest fans lurking around here. Opie and Anthony (on XM 202) interviewed Michael McKean :

He talked about a new Christopher Guest movie in production now. They will supposedly start filming in October. Working title right now is "For Your Consideration". It sounds like all the usuals will be in it. He mentioned Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy, and Parker Posey. The plot has something to do with hollywood actors. I can't wait! :D A little more info here:

If you have no idea who Christopher Guest is, click here:

Great Christopher Guest movies you may be familiar with include: This is Spinal Tap, Best in Show, A mighty Wind, and Waiting for Guffman. These movies and the new one are almost completely improvised, and they're all funny as hell!


Smooth Gang Founding Member
hahaha spinal tap :rofl:

"how much blacker could it be? the answer is none, none more black!!!"

and then the amps they had that go to eleven instead of ten :rofl:


Registered User
West Valley
Just noticed a credit for Ricky Gervais. Brilliant! If you haven't seen "The Office" (The British version, not the dumbed down US version), do yourself a favor and watch it. Easily one of the most brilliant (subtle) comedies ever. He and Stephen Merchant write and produce the US version, but it doesn't have the same feel, the same edge that the UK version had.