New one from Europe


New Member
Hi all, I´m from Europe and bought myself a W200 from 77.
Yep you guessed right, an ex US army truck or M880.
A bit thirsty (the truck more than me), but I don´t have to use it to drive to work every day.
I have a 64 Cadillac de Ville as well (4 dr ht 4w), but will be traded in for a 70 Oldsmobile Delta 350 ht.
And I have a European Opel Manta gsi from 1986, wich will be sold shortly (only have two arms and legs, can´t have them all).
My girlfriend has a Hyundai i40 stationwagon from 2011 (similar to the Hyundai Sonata in the US).
That was the carpark, the animal farm includes two dogs and thre cats, and an additional 50-100 birds flying around the house when they are hungry.
And one son, who just turned 15 who is ridiculously interested in helping fixing my truck (so he also can start using it now and/or then.
At 42 years, I have underwent a heart transplant for just a month and a half ago.
All going well.

That´s about it.


Welcome, hope to meet you someday...I love meeting random people from around the world, it usually ends in a good time with some of the best stories to tell.


New Member
Well, lets put it this way, if I could drain some fluid gold ffrom the tap now and then... I would go on a round trip every year on your side of the pond, but since that is not going to happen (haven´t tried the gold thing yet :D), so I am pretty much stuck here in the ECU (European Communistic Union).
I could however come over someday and buy a -to be scrapped- truck and beat the last miles out of it... :rofl:


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
You did not say where in the EU you lived. It would be interesting to know where you go four wheeling, private or government property and what the costs are?

Welcome on behalf of RME and the U4WDA.
Be sure to read all the instructions in "Introductions & using the Forum".

U4WDA believes the four wheeling community is best served by:
1. Education thru the use of classes, pamphlets, and films to teach responsible conservation.
2. Use Auto Dealerships and suppliers for the distribution of information.
3. Support Utah Counties in obtaining Quiet Claims to roads within their jurisdiction.
4. Stays informed and work closely with all Government Agencies and local law enforcement.
5. Where practical uses peer pressure to keep OHV use within the law.
6. Inform local agencies and law enforcement of illegal OHV use.

We promote the following: BRC/UFWDA: National legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
USA-All:- Local legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
U4WDA: On the ground actions. Service projects, education, club training, broadcasting the needs of Usa-All, UFWDA & BRC to its member clubs. Require clubs to be members of Usa-All, UFWDA & BRC, tie it into dues.
Member Clubs: Rides, education, hats, jackets, newsletters, raffles, etc. Require membership in U4WDA
Individuals: Join a club and promote responsible use amongst fellow travelers.
BRC:- National legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
Usa-All:- Local legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
U4WDA: On the ground actions. Service projects, education, club training, broadcasting the needs of Usa-All & BRC to its member clubs. Require clubs to be members of Usa-All & BRC, tie it into dues.
Member Clubs: Rides, education, hats, jackets, newsletters, raffles, etc. Require membership in U4WDA
Individuals: Join a club and promote responsible use amongst fellow travelers.