After tidying up a few things, I finally got around to buying paint.
I have the hardware painted and masked the roof.
I'm about to paint the body a Corsa Grey, it's similar to another color I like for old Land Cruisers, which is called Nebula.
I will get a couple more up shortly.
Here is Corsa Grey.
I also didn't get the top cleaned up like I should have... The masking tape looks like it left more goo behind, I even wiped it down with denatured alcohol.
Oh well.
Here is my other RC, it's a 20 year old, started out as a Ford, but when the FJ40 bodies came out I had to have one! The body is about 6 years old, maybe more?!?
Catastrophe averted! Some of the stickers covered up some of the bleed through.
I had to dig up a geode as I couldn't locate a turd large enough!