new to the board

from front to back

warn m-8000

spoa stock spring packs

g 16 a 1.6 8v {getting ready to do a g 13 b sooner than i wanted too}

3 or 4 inch drop pittman arm{yes i know it is cheasy}

32 36 webber

stock tranny {i rebiult it about a month ago}

arb air locker,s {won them at zuki-melt last summer 20 bucks worth of raffel tickets :rofl: }

grs I t-case {1.58 to 1 hi range 4.16 too 1 low range}

mighty kong t-case bucket

hybred rear axel houseing and 5.125 track/kick gears

33x12.50x15 uniroyal loredo mt,s{a total of 5 so far i would like to have a few more} a very good tire infact the best ive ever owned.......
What a beautiful opening statement. I am greatly touched by your sincerity. It brings tears to ones face :rofl: .


The only hiking Jeremy does is when he busts up his rig on the the trail and has to leave it there for the night!! :ugh: