new twist to the shooting

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Watch the 911 videos, that should freshen your memory:D

:ugh: Wow. I'm honestly offended by that.

Maybe a video from northern Ireland, or perhaps Tibet too? This may be a newsflash to those who can't read, but radicals exist in every "religion".

I'm almost speechless that that attitude could be common in an educated society. Maybe complete ignorance is more prevalent than I thought.

Do you think the Muslim faith condones the actions of those men on 9-11?

But I guess it's kudo's to us for surviving in a world with 1.3 billion cold blooded killers roaming around.


Mesquite, Nv
Aren't the terrorist actions referred to buy the terrorist as a Jihad or holy war? Look at whats going on in places where muslims are the majority, look at Africa, are those people there being killed because of there western culture and customs, or is it because they are a world power. It is my opinion that the majority of Islam does condone the killing of infadels(not innocent people) but hey its just my ignorant uneducated opinion. :D


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
are you still blaming this on Islam? Seriously??????

I join Cody in being offended. UNLESS something comes out saying that he did it for Allah, your premise is solid bullshite. I refer you to, again, Ireland. I refer you to Columbine, Mississippi, Vermont, Manitoba, a Texas university clock tower, and a host of other places where lone gunmen did the unspeakable.


Mesquite, Nv
I'm not blaming them, all I said was what if? I cant beleive all the people that are so quick to dismiss it as a possible motive. I'm just sayin, what if it was because of his religous beliefs? Its ok to speculate about wether or not his momma didnt breast feed him enough or that his daddy didnt hug him enough but heaven forbid I speculate that maybe he's a fanatic. A thousand apoligies to Allah.:rolleyes:


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
It's fine to speculate... but to keep going on the same one lame track is... well.... lame.

I'm not blaming them, all I said was what if? I cant beleive all the people that are so quick to dismiss it as a possible motive. I'm just sayin, what if it was because of his religous beliefs? Its ok to speculate about wether or not his momma didnt breast feed him enough or that his daddy didnt hug him enough but heaven forbid I speculate that maybe he's a fanatic. A thousand apoligies to Allah.:rolleyes:


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You're not even worth my time. You're a piece of ****. I honestly hope you don't have children to pass your ignorance and hatemongering on to.

I don't even want to know your oppinion about skin color. I'm ashamed that I live in a society that still produces people with your viewpoints.

Honestly. I'm going to go to bed now. I could sit here and pick apart your ignorance all night--but the sad reality is that you are obviously so ignorant nad close minded that you are unable to step outside of your backwoods viewpoints long enough to realize how destructive and rediculous they are. I would be a waste of my time to even try...even for semantic purposes. You're a terrible bypruduct of American media.

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Supporting Member
NO. This guy propagates these rediculous ideas about other beliefs... but he clearly has no freakin clue. It's pure hatemongering and it's the scourge of society. These kind of viewpoints are wholy more destructive to society as the small percentage of radical nut-cases that cause the vast mojority of problems.

I'm torn because half of me knows that it's not worth my time and people like this are beyond help, but half of me feels compelled to formulate a low-brow argument to sway his viewpoint. The problem is that pride supports ignorance and people that are so proud to be completely uneducated tend to be unwilling to listen to fact. It's disgusting.

I've never been this upset about something online. I'm more hurt that someone could still harbor such unsubstantiated contempt for other people and be totally content with it. I'm speechless right now.


Mesquite, Nv
You're not even worth my time. You're a piece of ****. I honestly hope you don't have children to pass your ignorance and hatemongering on to.

Grow up! I am not a hate monger or a racist, your harboring usubstantiated contempt about me and you dont even know me. I apologize if I'm not being poliically correct enough for you. I base my point of views on things I've read, not on what I see on cnn. I dont share your point of view but I'm not gonna call you a lame piece of ****!

I still dont see how my speculating about this being religously motivated makes me a prideful, backwooded, uneducated, ignorant piece of poo. Its my OPINION and that is all. Your attacking me and my intelligence is not gonna sway it at all.

Keep typing all the crap though if anything its entertaining:D


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away

I hope I feel well enough to lay it out for you later. As it stands, I'm going to go cut my skull open to relieve this headache. So here's hoping. :)


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Grow up! I am not a hate monger or a racist, your harboring usubstantiated contempt about me and you dont even know me. I apologize if I'm not being poliically correct enough for you. I base my point of views on things I've read, not on what I see on cnn. I dont share your point of view but I'm not gonna call you a lame piece of ****!

I still dont see how my speculating about this being religously motivated makes me a prideful, backwooded, uneducated, ignorant piece of poo. Its my OPINION and that is all. Your attacking me and my intelligence is not gonna sway it at all.

Keep typing all the crap though if anything its entertaining:D

Like I said. You're not even worth my time.

I would ask what "reading" you have done that has supported a viewpoint that muslims--or even this particular person--are motivated more than any other group of people towards violence. Fact is, there is no credible reading supporting such a rediculous premise.

If you're oppinion is that of hate and intolerance of other people's beliefs then you don't deserve one. I'm completely tolderant of differing viewpoints than my own, except whent they try and spread hateful lies about the beliefs of others without provocation.

This isn't a race thing (I at least hope you're able to comprehend the difference) but your desire to label and degrade 1.3 million people without personal knowledge about them or their beliefs is--and based primarily on the media's representation of a handful of extremest--is about as narrow minded.

So, for the sake of academia I'll give you a chance.

Explain to me what portion of Muslim teaching or doctrin supports killing. Specifically. Maybe I'm the uneducated one here.


Push to the Peak
These comments have nothing to do with the 18 year old shooter, as I don’t personally think that this incident had anything to do with racial or religious motives. It’s just a statement based on where this thread has come to.

Top 4 things causing divorce


Top 3 things likely at the root of most untimely (non-accidental) deaths


Top 2 things likely at the root of most wars


Christian, Jewish, Islam … what ever … sure all their teachings seem to be of the highest moral fiber, and yet like it or not … the members of such organized religions sure do have a horrible history of hatred and intolerance towards others of a different mind set.

And sure, each major grouping all have their extremist minority groups (fundamentalist Mormons can sure get violent!) which always give the group as a whole a black eye. And yet, any good Mormon knows that the Catholic church is the whore of the earth. But even Bruce had to become politically correct.

Like they say … actions speak louder than words.

True Spirituality is a very good thing. Religion does not equal spirituality. Self righteousness does not equal spirituality. Organized religions as a whole have at their foundation the intention to lead one to spirituality. Unfortunately most individuals of any religious organization seem to come away with self righteousness, not spirituality.

Religion seems to be a plague to all nations and peoples.


Registered User
I once heard a psychiatrist say that a sane person wouldn't commit suicide.
I believe the same rationale applies to murdering others in cold blood. I just can't accept that a person who does something like this is "sane."
If they are "sane" then our world has truly become a very dark place.

"Sane", or "Insane" are legal terms. My point is that there are classified mental disorders, anti-social personality disorder, for example, that might be called "insanity", however, the actor is perfectly rational and in touch with reality when they act. They've simply chosen to believe they're right. They aren't stumbling about in a fantasy invisioning that they're killing little devils from Hell or insects or whatever...


formerly "rckcrlr"
The attitudes of some here are astonishing to me! You are just as bad as the radicals you are so opposed to. You are so blinded by hate and ignorance, I am amazed you can see your keyboard to type! Hate is hate, no matter who is is directed towards....Your hate is no more or less noble than the hate of a terroist. NO hate is noble!!

Yes, most wars have had religious roots. BUT that is not the fault of religion it is a fault of PEOPLE. The people the lead them and the people that follow them. Give someone the power to tell you what to believe and the corruption begins. Read the New/Old Testement, Koran, BofM, the Estern philosophies, and figure out what YOU believe for yourself!! NO religion teaches hate!! People teach hate!!

Take a deep long look at things, you might be surprised what you find!


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
ok, here ya go...

I hope you're just stirring the pot.

Look, I apologize more making it personal last night but this strikes a nerve with me.

If this kid killed people because he's muslim, then why did Tim Mcveigh (sp?) kill people? Dahmer?

This is an entirely different debate. But chalking the kid's motive up to "muslim" is totally obsurd.


formerly "rckcrlr"
I hope you're just stirring the pot.

Look, I apologize more making it personal last night but this strikes a nerve with me.

If this kid killed people because he's muslim, then why did Tim Mcveigh (sp?) kill people? Dahmer?

This is an entirely different debate. But chalking the kid's motive up to "muslim" is totally obsurd.

Don't apologize!! Hate is very personal, and unchecked it is the single most destructive power the human race has!
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