New World Order


Active Member
you know, you are on a 4wheeling site. I also presume you have an off road vehicle. That thing aint biodegradable and its not made from, nor does it run, on completely renewable resources. Thats the thing: people get on these kicks about this or that, but people have never, until recently, really gave a crap about the planet. Not on a large scale, anyway. That being said, we should do better, but its kinda stupid to jump on the green energy/renewable resource bandwagon if you're not giving up your own things that fall outside of those categories.


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Supporting Member
I. Don't. Even. Know. Where. To. Begin.

I'm going to excuse myself from this thread before I waste an entire day deconstructing some of the ridiculousness that has been presented.


Formerly Beardy McGee
I. Don't. Even. Know. Where. To. Begin.

I'm going to excuse myself from this thread before I waste an entire day deconstructing some of the ridiculousness that has been presented.

Babies = War was a joke. :p


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I understand who was joking and who is taking themselves and their self proclaimed "knowledge" of history seriously ha ha.


Sandy, Ut
Wow, combine sweeping generalizations, hypocrisy, sensationalism and some good sarcasm and you have a conspiracy theory on your hand.


Sandy, Ut
...Tribal laws were like this,

-You may fight, but you may not extinguish a culture.
-You may hunt, but you may not extinct a species.

Which tribes had those laws? Surely not the Native Americans that lived pre-Bible influence? Many theorize the mass migrations of the Ancestral Puebloans was in fact because they extinct the natural resources in one given area. I'm sure this scenario has been played out in many other 'tribal' societies. You tell us, you the professional.

...our culture thinks that god will just keep putting more Natural Resources in our Earth simply so humans can rule.

I don't know about your culture but my culture does not. Don't paint with such a broad brush.

...The world was created for ALL LIVING ORGANISMS, (not just humans)

Who created it and how do you know what they created it for? Did dust combining in the earths atmosphere actually have a master plan for things that would evolve well beyond its control? How does an atheist believe in a grand plan anyways?

...Yet since our culture was born we have completely stripped our Earth of almost all its resources

Your right, almost all of its resources are gone :rofl: Where do you come up with this stuff. Sure the 'easy' marks are getting depleted but this earth has just began to be stripped. And what if we do. We run out, we die, earth recovers over time and dust recombines in the earths atmosphere and starts again right?

...It's takes less and less time to double our population.... WHAT THE F*** ARE WE THINKING.

Go ask your parents. When your dad said "don't flush it has eyes" your mom should have smacked him :D

Sorry bud, your eating, breathing, burning fuel too, worse yet your producing off-spring that will presumably reproduce themselves yet you want to as us what we are thinking? Why don't you tell us what your thinking? Your part of this perceived problem and just because you can't make your hard work pay off doesn't mean the rest of us are not content with the way things are going. The earth will take care if itself, you should worry about doing the same ;)
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Sandy, Ut
...Humans have been around for Millions of years, and thats way before God entered there lives...

Millions? As in several million? Even the most radical peg human's appearing somewhere around 250k years ago with 'modern behaving' humans appearing just 50k years ago.

...The aboriginees of Australia can trace there lineage back to over 65,000 years. Hmmm...thats funny, I don't think the people that have traced theirs back to Adam have gone that many years back.

So based on your stellar fact detaining thus far I'm curious, when did 'God' enter their lives? The Aborigines of Australia have had it as long as they can remember. Sure it wasn't the modern Christian God you seem devout on debunking but the believed in higher powers synonymous with a Christians God, or a Muslims God, or a Jew's Jehovah. So why is the new god bad yet the old god good? And if the old god is/was good, what happened to the Aborigines of today? Have you followed much of their recent culture?

PS, why don't you try your mouse food experiment with your three boys. I'd love to know how that goes over lol.
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Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Who created it and how do you know what they created it for? Did dust combining in the earths atmosphere actually have a master plan for things that would evolve well beyond its control? How does an atheist believe in a grand plan anyways?

Zing. I was going to dive into his own presumptions and ideas being socially constructed by the very culture he claims to be preaching against, but I figured that was a little to high thinking for him.

Also, simple calculus can explain why population growth accelerates the way it does.....but he knew that.

...and even the oldest recorded cultures--back to Sumeria--had God's (mostly polytheistic), creation myths, great flood myths (which is super interesting to me), ideas of afterlife, religiously mandated social consequences. etc. these aren't predominantly Christian ideas.

....and the move from hunter-gatherer to agriculture wasn't to stock pile food. It was to provide for the production of alcoholic beverages (similar to beer--kind of a beer/sake hybrid with airborn yeast strains that I'm sure tasted AWFUL--Dogfish Head Brewery tried to recreate this using some sort of chemical signature from preserved pottery shards excavated from a neolithic village in Northern China, and it's rather tasty but obviously they have more control of the process than ancient humans did..but I digress) the earliest proof of farmed grains weren't the type that would be eaten, but used in a fermentable drink. Food turned out to be a convenient byproduct of the process of cultivating fields of certain plants.

ok really. I can't get into this today. I have shit to do.
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Giver of bad advice
great flood myths (which is super interesting to me),

Where were you last night as my basement was flooding!???? You should come help with cleanup then...

As for the winner in the New World Order, I support the Marsupials...


somewhat damaged
....and the move from hunter-gatherer to agriculture wasn't to stock pile food. It was to provide for the production of alcoholic beverages (similar to beer--kind of a beer/sake hybrid with airborn yeast strains that I'm sure tasted AWFUL--Dogfish Head Brewery tried to recreate this using some sort of chemical signature from preserved pottery shards excavated from a neolithic village in Northern China, and it's rather tasty but obviously they have more control of the process than ancient humans did..but I digress) the earliest proof of farmed grains weren't the type that would be eaten, but used in a fermentable drink. Food turned out to be a convenient byproduct of the process of cultivating fields of certain plants.

I wasn't trying to tell anybody else what they should or should not be doing. I'm sorry for sounding like a complete *&^%.

I guess I just wanted to see what people thought about it and I definately got carried away with what I was trying to get at.

You guys are all awesome to me and I'm in no way at war with god or anything he teaches. He helps millions cope with millions of dilemmas and I would never want to take away from people the hope that they have or anything like that. I will, in the future, check myself before I'm wrecked again.